Chapter 1

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My name is my name is Callie, but everyone just calls me Cals. My twin sister (fraternal) is Mariana, but everyone just calls her Ri (R-e).Were 17 years old. We live in a foster home. When we were 11 our parents died and no one would take care of us. Everyday we hope to get adopted but people only come here for the little kids so that they can grow up with them.

"Hey Cals, there are some really nice people over there. Think they will adopt us.", said Mariana

"No, I doubt it, they only come for small kids." I said

"Don't be such a downer." Ri said.

Turns out Mariana was right after all. Our foster mother called me and I thought she wanted me to get a little one for her.

"Hi, my name is Lindsay." the lady said.

She looked like she was about in her mid thirties. She was so pale and had light blue contacts in. Her hair was a light brown with blond highlights in it. I shook her hand and she was very cold.

"Hi, my name is Callie but everyone calls me Cals" I mumbled. She heard me and I was surprised.

"Well Callie, its very nice to me you." she said

I began realizing that she was talking with our house mother and signed some papers.

"Are you ready to go to you new house." she said.

I widened my eyes when she said that. Did she really want me. I saw my sister in the room looking sad, as though she had heard what the lady said. I began thinking.

"Well, um, u-um."

"What is it." she said

I looked back at my sister once more and finally came to speak.

"Well, if you want me then you have to bring my sister with you. We're fraternal twins and we've been with each other our whole lives.", I said and mumbled parts with a little kick in my voice.

"Well fine then I will go sign the papers." she said

"No she has to come with us you can't take me away from my-"

I heard her words flow through me.

"Wait she can come." I said with a joyous smile on my face.

"Yes." the lady said.

Before I knew it we grabbed all of our things and we were finally out of there. I was so glad because I was tired of all the abuse. I laid my head on my sisters shoulder and we both cried. We were so glad to make it out. Then we arrived at the biggest penthouse ever. We got all of our things and went inside and everything was so beautiful. I saw someones head come out of a room. It was a boy.

"Who's he?" Mariana said like she knew what I was thinking.

"Oh, that's your little brother Jude. He's 14 years old. "

"Nice" i said.

She showed us to our room. It was so weird that their was already another bed in there for my sister. We got suspicious but we didn't want to worry about anything so fast. We got out of that foster home and that's all that mattered. The room was split into to and there were to bathrooms. One was on Beth's side and on was on my side. We sat down on the bed and finished getting settled in.

Ms. Lindsay came in.

"Hi girls is everything okay in here."

"Yes!" Mariana and I said at the same time and then laughed.

"Well I split the room in half because its your room now and you guys can decorate it whatever way you want to" she said.

"Thank you so so so much" I said

I waited for Mariana to say thank you but when I looked over I saw that she had fainted and blood was every where. I looked to see where it was coming from and saw her neck. Maybe she hit it on something. Then i going to get Ms. Lindsay, but i didn't see here. I started to get dizzy and hit the floor. I may not know what happened but I do know one thing. These people aren't normal.

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