Chapter 2

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Mariana's POV.

I woke up on a silk bed feeling dizzy inside. I tried moving to look fro Liz but I couldn't see her. I could finally move my head and I looked to my left. I saw Cal but she looked unconscious. She had blood coming out of her neck and there was a wet cloth wrapped around it. Cal finally turned to me and she looked like she was in a panic and her eyes were blood red.

"Cal why are your eyes red?"

"They're not red. At least I don't think they are? But you're asking me that when your eyes are red.!"

Just then a Ms.Lindsey walked in. I could see her face and it looked oddly familiar. Then I remember that's the lady who took us out of that miserable foster home. I could see her clearly now. She had something red dripping from her mouth and had very sharp teeth. Her eyes were red and she looked at us like we were something to eat,  and then Cal and I screamed at the same time. Go twin powers.

"AAAHHHHHAHHAHHHAHAAAAAAAAAAA" and then next thing I knew she fainted.

I got up to go to her but the lady got there before me. How did she...... What in the world is happening. The lady cut me out of my thoughts by tapping me on the shoulder and I jump. 

"Ahh!!!! Don't touch me what did you do to me? And my sister?"

I was about to run but I couldn't leave my sister with this stranger who could be a devil.

"Can you please go down to the kitchen and get me some of that red 'juice' in the container and pour some in a glass?'" she said with attitude in her voice.

"No I can not that is my sister my twin I'm not leaving her alone with someone we just met who looks like a crazy maniac!"

"Just hurry up and get it fast or else she is going to die! I will explain everything to you once she wakes up and you need a glass too or else the same thing will happen to you." she said with aggravation and attitude in her voice.

I didn't want my sister to die. I didn't care about me. She was my sister. My twin sister and my best friend I can't loose her. I guess I was taking to long with my thoughts.


I kinda forgot my way around this place but I finally found the stairs and was at the kitchen. I opened the fridge and when I saw what I saw I almost fainted. But without question I got some of that 'juice' and got two glasses. When I closed the refrigerator I saw pictures. The pictures looked so old and in the time of the 1800's. I still had curiosity in me. I forgot about the glasses at that moment and I figured I was taking to long so I went back up the stairs with the container. I opened the door to see Ms. Lindsey on the phone with a surprised look when I came in. Then she had a curious face but went passed it. She grabbed the contained and poured a top full and put it in Kim's mouth. All of a sudden Cal jumped up and started drinking all of the juice but Ms. Lindsey took in from her and gave it to me. Before I drunk it I saw Cal's eyes blood red and veins out of her eyes. I finally took a sip and then dunked it down. 

I felt like something changed in me. I could see clearer and better, her better and everything felt so light.

Callie's POV.

I felt different I didn't want to say anything and I just wanted an explanation for everything that's been going on.

"Lady I need an explanation and you better give it to me right about now." I said with some attitude.

She stiffed up and then I could see she was about to do something.

"We're waiting" Mariana and I said at the same time.

"Okay um, well um, have you ever read or heard of Vampires?" she said with concern.

"Yes in books and on tv, because we all know that they aren't real." we said again.

"Well I'm one, Jude doesn't know yet and well now your one."


This is a crazy world that I know realize?

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