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Im in my room getting ready to go to Alois's mansion for dinner. I sigh as Lance does my hair.

"What's the matter Mistress?" He smiles at me in the mirror.

"Nothing Lance, I'm fine" I smile back at him.

"Ready to go Mistress?" He asks, pinning the last piece of hair back.

I nod and stand. He walks me out to the carriage.

"Ah, it seems I forgot your coat. I'll be back shortly" he turns and walks off.

I look at the carriage.

"What the hell.."

Lance comes up behind me and puts my coat around my shoulders.

"There, much better" he smiles.


"Yes Mistress?"

"The carriage.."

He looks at the carriage.

"How on earth.."

Sebastian's POV:

I walk into the (L/n) estate. I see her butler preparing the carriage. He finishes and walks back into the manor.

I walk to the carriage. I pat the horses and look towards the manor to make sure no one is coming. I kneel down and rip off the wheels of the carriage one by one. I pick up the set of wheels and make my way off the estate.

Your POV:

"It seems.. The wheels of the carriage have been... Stolen?" Lance walks to the carriage to further inspect it.

"Why not steal the whole bloody carriage?" I sigh and pat the horses.

"It seems we won't make it to dinner with Lord Trancy Mistress.." He looks at me. "Would you like me to phone him and notify him?" He asks.

I sigh and look at him.

"Yes please, thank you.." I look back at the carriage.

Lance's POV:

I head inside and dial the Trancy households number. It rings for a few seconds then picked up.

"Good evening this is Claude Faustus, head butler of the Trancy Manor. How can I be of assistance?"

"Ah yes, this is Lance Winchester of the (L/n) Manor. I apologise but Lady (Y/n) is not able to attend tonight." I look out the window at (Y/n) who is patting the horses still.

"And why is that?" He seems rather irritated.

"We have issues with our transportation. Please send our deepest apologies to Lord Trancy. Have a good evening" I hang up and sigh.

Claude's POV:

As I clean I hear the phone ring. I put down the rag I was using and answer it.

"Good evening this is Claude Faustus, head butler of the Trancy Manor. How can I be of assistance?"

"Ah yes, this is Lance Winchester of the (L/n) Manor. I apologise but Lady (Y/n) is not able to attend tonight."

I look at Alois who is humming and twirling a flower around. I'm going to have to deal with his tantrum when I tell him (Y/n) can't come to dinner tonight.

"And why is that?" I sigh.

"We have issues with our transportation. Please send our deepest apologies to Lord Trancy. Have a good evening" He hangs up.

"Who was it Claude?" He jumps onto the table and walks along it.

I sigh and face him.

"It appears that (Y/n) won't be attending dinner this evening" I look down and brace for impact.

He starts throwing things across the room and cursing.

"What? She doesn't have time for me?!" He starts crying and throws a vase.

"That is not the case Your Highness. It seems that they are having problems with their transportation" I catch the vase just before it hits the ground.

"Oh" he sniffs. "So, she didn't cancel because she hates me?" His eyes brighten up.

I nod and put the vase back down on the table.

"Great! I'll keep inviting her until she is able to come over!" He jumps off the table, knocking over the vase, and runs off.

I sigh and begin cleaning the mess he made.

"One day she's going to be painfully honest to him and he's not going to take it well at all.." I chuckle slightly and continue cleaning.

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