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So before you read this chapter I would like a few moments of your time XD I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for all you lovely readers supporting my writing. You may not like my other stories or this may be the only story of mine you've read and that's completely fine (: Your all amazing for the support you give me and some of the comments you guys leave make me shed a few tears sometimes. I didn't believe that I would get so many readers. I didn't even think my story Love Exists would get 100 readers let alone 100k readers! Thanks so much guys, enjoy the chapter ^.^

Your POV:

"SEBASTIAN! I ORDER YOU TO SAVE (Y/N)!" Ciel yells at the top of his lungs.

Before I can see anything else I feel a pain in my side and everything turns black.


I open my eyes and turn my head to the side. I see a window, the curtains closed. With a groan I stand, instantly regretting my decision. An extreme wave of pain runs through my body, causing me to yelp and lay back down. The door opens with a creak.

"Milady, please refrain from moving.."

I look over at the door and see Claude. He walks to me and sits on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?" I ignore his request and sit up against the headboard.

"You were stabbed in the side by one of the attackers.." He motions me to lay back down.

I sigh and lay back down with a small pained gasp.

"Tell me exactly what happened Claude.."


Claude's POV:

"SEBASTIAN! I ORDER YOU TO SAVE (Y/N)!" I hear the Phantomhive yell.

Sebastian runs faster and goes to the garden. I follow behind and see (Y/n) being held by a man with a knife. The man panics and stabs (Y/n) in the side and throws her to the ground. (Y/n) passes out and Sebastian runs towards her.

"BASSY" A high pitched voice calls out.

I look to my right and see that red headed shinigami running at Sebastian.

Sebastian side steps and he skids and turns around again.

"Oh don't deny my love Bassy!" He turns and charges towards Sebastian.

Sebastian slams his face into a tree and runs back towards (Y/n).

"CLAUDE DON'T LET HIM GET (Y/N)!" Alois yells.

"Sebastia-" Ciel is cut off by a sudden coughing fit

Sebastian turns to him and runs to him. He picks him up.

"Put me down and get (Y/n) you bloody idiot!" Ciel yells, slapping Sebastian over and over.

"We need to get you out of here My Lord" he says, turning and running off.

As he runs off I hear Ciel protesting and ordering him to get (Y/n). I work quickly and pick both (Y/n) and Alois up and head back to the manor. I tend to her wounds and leave her to rest.

End of flashback

"So that's what happened.." I sigh and look at the ceiling.

"Do you need anything? Water? Are you hungry?" He stands and straightens out his tail coat.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just tired" I pull the blankets up onto me.

"Very well, rest well My Lady.." I bow and make my leave.

I walk towards Alois's study, adjusting my glasses with a sigh.

'Hell is going to break loose eventually..'

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