Chapter 16: Positive

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The regret I was feeling was like nothing I had ever experience. How could I be so dumb? Jacob did not like me the way I liked him, he never would, besides for the oddest reasons Paul had been on my mind. His face clouding my vision in my moment of vulnerability. I missed him.

Since that night I have not spoken to my dad or Jake. The irony was that Jake did not even attempt contacting me. It was hard to ignore what had happened to us on my part.

I could understand that he has been helping Bella get better since she thought it would be feasible to get on a stranger's motorcycle.

Now my stomach bubbles and my heart rate speeds up. I jump out of my bed holding my stomach. Fast pacing I make it to the bathroom as the bile rises in my throat, I am over the toilet before the content come pouring from within me.

I stand for a moment hoping the feeling would pass, but I was surely mistaken. I flush the toilet and lay my head on the cold tiled floor for a moment.

I had been like this for the past three days and I had easily shrugged it off as the common cold. I shower before I exit the bathroom. I dress warmly in a timely fashion, and apply my face.

As soon as reached the bottom of the stairs I smelt the eggs, and I felt nauseous. I walk into the kitchen spying Bella standing in front of the stove.

"Bye," is all I mutter before running out of the house and throwing up in the bushes. I walk to school not wanting to be around her now. She was finally coming out of her whatever she was in and I did not want to deal with her.

In Health class I sit in my seat resting my head on my arms.

"Hey girl, you look like crap," she points out as if it was not that obvious already.

I groan, "I feel like crap."

She does not get to reply as Mrs. Turner walks in. Everyone instantly retrieves a blank sheet of paper prepared to take notes.

"Okay class today we are going to learn about pregnancy."

"Who knows the symptoms?" Mrs. Turner grabs a maker and writes the word on the board to list them. Angela raises her hand and being the over achiever that she is.

*Nausea with or without vomiting.

*Increased urination.



*Weight gain

*Food aversions or cravings.

As she checks off the list I notice that I have those symptoms. I have gained weight, my vomiting was excessive, and fatigue was so bad.

"Are you okay Kayla you look a little pale," Angela whispers as Mrs. Turner tell us more about pregnancy.

"U-uh, I got to go," I quickly grab my things and leaving ignoring the teacher calling my name. She can suck it this is important.

I was only sixteen and the realization that I could be with child was scary.

In the parking lot I  look around trying to find someone with a vehicle. I see Tyler at his van. "

"Tyler!" I yell relived as he turns his head and looks at me with his bright smile.

"Can you take me to the port?" I ask as I get closer to the handsome dark-skinned male.

"Yea no problem, I already got my driver's license back thanks to you," he hugs me.

"Yea, yea, took me a lot of convincing," I laugh shoving his shoulder.

"So what are you doing in the Port?" he questions.

"Why were you not in class?" I snap back.

"Damn all you had to say was 'don't worry about it'. No blackmail," he said.

"I'm sorry this is just important," I apologies. I had no right to get defensive because my future is in his hands right now. Who else was going to drive me to get what I needed.

Out of respect Tyler waited in the car so I could take care of my business. I only buy two different brand tests. I had seen millions of movies before and they over exaggerated buying like fifteen pee sticks.

I walk up to the counter to the little old Asian lady. My eyes are teary as I put the boxes on the counter.

"What is wrong child?" she asks with a thick accent. I wipe my eyes and look at the boxes she's ringing up.

"Ahh, give me your hand dear," she whispers gently, after putting the boxes into the bag.

I hesitantly give her my hand she closes her eyes and moves her fingers around my palm. Her eyes flashed open quickly and her eyes seem very disoriented like she had seen something horrifying.

"Dear you mustn't let them get to you or the consequences will be grave," she warns before walking through a door behind the counter.


I leave the money and walk towards the bathroom. I pee on both sticks and then wait.

What am I going to tell everyone if this happens? What about Jacob?

My phone dings and I pick up the test not wasting time. Whatever this says is how it is what it's going to be. It's done and over with, so no being in denial like other people.

I will take the responsibility for my actions. Yea the idea of a baby so young is not appealing, but bringing another life into the world magnificent.

I look at the test they both say positive and I smile. Me and Jacob made love that night. He was so gentle and caring as he whispered sweet things in my ear and this is the outcome of our sweet love making.

"I'm pregnant," I whisper aloud.

I place a hand on my small tummy.

I'm going to have a baby and be a better mother than Renee ever was to me.

I am not by any means saying that it is okay to just go out and get pregnant and it will all be okay, but young pregnancy is real and I feel like even though it's not the best time they need support.

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