Chapter 24: Breathing oxygen...

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@superwholockislife12 is my best friend...

If you like Supernatural fanfic with the winchesters than go check out her story Not in Kansas Anymore.

Sorry for the wait.... Get it Lil Wayne's okay

Hope you enjoy this part because it took me forever to finally get back into this story.

It may suck but whatever I did what I could so far but im hoping the next chapter will be better.

"Princess" "Kayla" I hear 2 very familiar voices as I feel pressure on my chest but I can't breathe. The voices are faint, my head pounding my body shivering.

I can feel the water in my lungs congested. I am suffocating all the while losing and gaining conscious.

My life hadn't even flashed before my eyes.

Breathe...a female voice rings in my head.

Do I want to go back to my boring, lonely, life?


Our baby deserves a chance to live experience a great life...

The longer I wait I can feel my lungs began to close up, my air way disappearing as my heartbeat decreases more.

Breathe now before it's too late...

I take a deep breath my eyes shooting open instantly coughing up the water in my lungs while I began to crying and spitting up water like vomiting in a toilet.

Jasper and Paul's figure coming into my vison.

I breath in and out quickly, my chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.

I cough up all the water and fall back out of energy, closing my eyes. Paul's warm hands surround me as I snuggle closer to his warmth but also wanting jasper. I want to feel safe and secure x10 more than I originally had felt I needed at some point.

"Jasper" I croak out

"Kayla darling I'm here," he says and I feel his cold but to me warm hand caress my face. My shaking hand not wrapped around Paul is quick to react, grabbing a hold on jaspers shirt.

"We need to get her inside immediately, she's freezing," Sam Uley's voice travel through my ear to my shock.

I fall into a deep sleep.



I stood with my arms behind my back on guard watching as Sue checks Kayla's vitals while she sleeps in Paul's arms. All the other wolves standing around the small house. All imprints inside because Victoria was on their land earlier this afternoon.

I had to force Kayla grip on me to loosen while in her slumber for Sue to do the checkup. I can hear her heart beat steadily along with the tiny one inside of her, except for the wheeze in Kayla's inhale and exhale. Which caused me to worry and become angry at Edward.

Sue stands at the end of the bed now asking for Paul and I's attention.

We both look at her and smiles at us." Kayla is fine except for maybe a temporary small damage to her lung but she should be better in no time. The baby is perfectly healthy it was like somehow the baby could get oxygen through the drowning but how? is the mystery. It is truly a miracle they survived but Kayla is a strong willed girl. She can get through the toughest things. Just like someone else I once knew" Sue says looking away from us.

"So she's fine, their fine?" Paul says his voice filled with relief. But I am far from it. His hold on her tighting to my assurance when our eyes met for a second.

"With that said and done I have business to take care of, Paul you watch her, wait hand and feet for her," major commands Paul. We will do anything for our beloved.

"Always." He tells me truthfully while gazing at the lovely women in his arms. I breeze quickly over kissing her forehead inhaling her scent.

"I'll be back before she wakes," I inform.

"You're going after Edward?" he asks and I look at him and nod. This is Edwards fault our precious has been put in danger more than one time I have been informed and we will do whatever we need to.

With that I set out on my way to Italy where I know Edward will be with his coward ways.

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