Chapter 5

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Olivia's P.O.V

Haylie found me in the library during my free period. And she brought Tyler, who happened to have the same free period.

"So, Tyler tells me he and his friends are going to Frank Dylan's party next week too," she sing-sung, clasping her hands together.

She slid into the seat across from me and when Tyler sat down as well, I turned to him.

"Are you planning to take over this table too?" I asked dryly.

"Just trying to get to know my foster sister," he responded just as coolly. He sat back and held my glare.

"Aww how sweet," Haylie cooed, looking back and forth between us with her elbow on the table and her chin resting in her hand. "I'm so glad we've grown our friend group. We're going to become one big happy family." Someone called my name from across the room. I searched the room for whom the voice belonged to and caught Ms. Freidberg, the librarian, waving at me from her desk.

"Yes, Ms. F?" I asked when I reached her.

"Who is that?" She asked, eyeing the table where I left Haylie and Tyler.

"Who, Tyler?" I frowned. I turned back to her and to my dismay noticed she was rubbing her neck and biting her lip seductively.

"Is he your brother or something?" Oh my God. That's why she called me over here. Everyone had been asking the same question all day and it was starting to strike a nerve, especially because we looked nothing alike: Tyler had dark hair, milky amber eyes and freckles. My hair was a woody chestnut color and my eyes were so dark they looked black. In my opinion, we just looked nothing alike.

"He's my foster brother," I said, but I really wanted to say, "Ew, how old are you?".

"Mhm okay, just wondering." After she didn't say anything else I walked back to the table.

"What did she want?" Haylie paused from texting on her cell phone. I felt Tyler's eyes on me.


"YES! Who got the beers, bro?" Somebody whooped from across the hall later that week. Tyler decided to call his friends over to use the pool after school. Haylie and I, clad in our bathing suits and shorts, walked out of my room once we heard the music coming from the back deck.

In the kitchen, we found cold bottles of beer on the counter and multi-colored drinks in little plastic shot cups.

"Ooooh someone made drinks, less work for us," said Haylie, shaking her hips in excitement. I picked up two of the shot drinks and Haylie did the same then we headed back down the hall of my bedroom that led to the back door and pool.

Reed, Tyler's friend with the brownish-blonde hair, was in the pool wrestling Luis, a kid I recognized from my art class. Colton, the bulky one who looked like he didn't even belong in high school, stood readjusting the speakers. I noticed Kyle, a close friend of mine I invited over, seemed to have already made friends with them. He bobbed up and down in the water laughing at Reed and Luis. Haylie walked up to the side of the pool and called Reed's name to get his attention and I walked over to one of the empty pool chairs.

I placed one of my drinks on the ground and downed the other before laying out on the lounge chair. The sun's rays licked at my skin and I closed my eyes, letting myself relax. But it was short lived after I felt a set of eyes on me a few minutes later.

I turned my head in the direction of the feeling and locked eyes with Tyler. He'd come out of the water and gone over to sit with Colton near the speakers. I was just about to turn away when I caught sight of his body.

His hard stomach glistened in the sun and stray droplets of water from his hair trailed down his chiseled chest and rolled off his skin. I'd seen his arms in his T-shirts, which suggested he worked out, but now I had a quick chance to openly admire his bare torso and I took it. I averted my gaze and grabbed the other shot.

Tyler's P.O.V

I couldn't take my eyes off her. As if she wasn't breathtaking enough, she had to walk around in that swim top with those little shorts to make things worse.

What am I thinking? I can't be thinking of Olivia, my God-damned foster-sister, like that. If that didn't make things clear enough, then I was just asking for trouble.

But damn. My eyes traveled up her body one last time and landed on her eyes. I almost smiled when I caught her looking over here. I watched her as she turned and picked up a drink off the ground. She tilted her head back to take the shot but her movements were rushed and clumsy, and a few drops of it dripped down the side of her mouth onto her chest. I felt my stomach tighten.

"Liv," Kyle called out to her, climbing out of the pool. He grabbed a towel from the chair next to her then sat down on the edge of the seat and dried his arms. I didn't know that they knew each other...but then again they'd been attending the same school for the past four years. Just as they started talking, I went inside for another beer.

I passed the dining room and headed for the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pulled one out and put the unopened bottles that were left on the counter back in to stay cold. The cool thing about the Callahans, the couple fostering me who appeared to be hippies or something like that, was that they travel for work so we had this big old house to ourselves until they came back. No parents, no nosey neighbors checking on us, and the only cameras were outside surveillance cameras pointing at the front and back doors. I checked. It's been...comfortable.

I leaned against the counter taking a swig of my beer and looked around the small kitchen. My eyes landed on a picture held by a magnet on the refrigerator of a young Olivia hiding behind her brown hair eating a sandwich at a table. There was a small picture of her a few years younger showing her smiling with someone's arm wrapped around her waist. I couldn't see who the arm belonged to because the other half of the picture was ripped off. Another picture showed her a little bit older than in the others, standing in front of Charlotte High with a blonde girl with glasses and braces. Behind them, a sign read "Welcome Freshmen!". I realized that the blonde girl was Haylie, who was the only person Olivia's brought around since I got here.

I heard bottles clinking together behind me and turned. Olivia walked in the room dropping empty bottles of beer into the recycling bin with her back to me. I looked away. The last thing I needed was to get caught looking at her back side and make things weird. I brushed past her and walked back out to the pool, placed my drink near the edge, and jumped in the water. When I resurfaced, she walked back out with three girls flocking her.

One of the girls said something to her and she just raised an eyebrow then collapsed onto the sun lounger, ignoring her. I smiled at her cool expression and turned my attention from her to the girls who'd just arrived. They were still fully clothed but the bright strings of their bikinis peeked out from the collar of each of their shirts. The guys whooped and hollered, urging them to get in the pool.

"Hey ladies," Kyle said, waving his fingers at them. As soon as he said it, everyone except the new arrivals burst out laughing. Including Olivia. Her laugh was soft and real and...too damned sexy for her own good. Snap out of it.

"You sounded fruity, man," Reed accused around his laughter.

"Well, just know I'm far from it," Kyle said back, in defense.

"Only because you dated Olivia. That's the only reason you're allowed to say that." Colton waved his index finger at him. Wait? They dated? They must not have dated long. I would've remembered her.

"C'mon, leave him alone," Luis butted in. Reed rolled his eyes and swam over to Haylie at the other corner of the pool. The three girls undressed and stood almost naked in bright string bathing suits in front of us. I glanced over at Olivia who had taken to talking with Kyle again.

"Hey, wanna go inside?" One of the girls swam over to me, clutching the edge of the pool with the tips of her fingers like it was the only thing keeping her afloat. She trailed a painted fingernail down my chest and smiled at me.

"Sure." I helped her out of the pool then she walked toward the house and I followed, trying not to shoot a final glance Olivia's way.

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