Chapter 15

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Tyler's P.O.V

"Where are those keys, dammit?" the man on the other side of the door muttered. As soon as he stopped fumbling with the knob and shuffled away, Olivia's shoulders slumped with relief. I pulled my shirt back on and pushed open the door to peer down the hall.

"All clear," I said over my shoulder. I followed her to her locker, standing up straighter when she looked at me over her shoulder once she entered her combination. The bell rang and students of the nearest classrooms filed out into the hall.

"What, don't you have some girl to swoon? A reputation to maintain? Walls to paint?" She rushed before turning back to her locker. I didn't answer, not sure if she was being serious or saying it because people were around. Instead, I leaned against the locker next to hers and waited while she gathered her books.

"Yo! You Left your backpack bro," Reed's voice came up behind me.

"Thanks," I took my bag from him and told him I'd catch up with him later before he walked back through the crowded hall to his next class. Olivia closed the locker door when she finished and started down the hallway toward an exit. I easily caught up with her and walked alongside.

"Where are you going?"


"School's not over."

"As if a rule ever bothered you before."

"No, but I wouldn't want you to mess up your grades."

"Wow, suddenly you care," her voice dripped with sarcasm. Then she added, "I can skip the rest of the day, I'll be fine."

"Okay. I'll drive."

"I don't think so."

"Why don't I ever get to drive?"

"It's my car, therefore my choice." I silently mimicked her.

"Not when you don't have the keys," I slid her keys out of her back pocket and swung them around my finger.

"Give them back!" I held them up high out of her reach. "Give them back!" I ignored her and stepped outside in the cool November air. After a short battle that I won because I was taller, she let me drive the short distance home.

"You're overly confident. Is that what the girls at school are into?" I chuckled and turned off the engine then got out and followed her inside.

"It's what you love most about me, O," I called at her back as she retreated to her room.

Later that night, mid-way through a Bruce Willis movie, I found her sitting in the middle of her bed with notes and our Spanish textbook in front of her.

"Get out," she half heartedly threw my way and scribbled quickly in her notebook. I sat on the other side, crossed my ankles, then laid down intertwining my fingers behind my head, watching her side profile.

So beautiful. Her straight hair seemed to shine on its own and her skin was smooth and cheeks rosy. A strand of her hair fell over her face and she pushed it away. She wrote fiercely in her notebook then she reread what she wrote and closed it. She sighed, stuck her pen in her book, and then placed it on her nightstand.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, you skipped school to come home and do school work?"

"What do you want, Tyler?" She sighed and looked at me while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Gee, I was bored...but I can leave," I said without actually making any move to get up. She uncrossed her arms to stare at her hands and we sat in silence. I started to hear a very low thwacking noise and looked out her window. Rain.

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