Chapter 35

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Olivia's P.O.V.

It felt like forever before we heard the distant door opening again. Everyone was alert, simpering back to the farthest wall. The door was unlocked from the outside and a different man stood there. He beckoned to three dark haired girls who followed him out. Crystal walked back in.

"I'll be back for you in a few minutes," the guy said. He looked at the lingerie on the floor by my feet and then closed the door and disappeared again.

"That was the fastest ever!" Crystal said, walking toward me. She collapsed next to me on the ground and sighed deeply.

"What?" I asked. She turned to look at me.

"Well first they take you up to this room. And basically you're like on this pedestal and you just stand there while people get a good look at you to bid on you. Whoever wants you will bid, the higher the bids, the more they want you. The highest bidder usually gives you a present, new lingerie. Then they pay for you and come back to get you in a few days. If there is a tie between the highest bidders, then—" She paused.

"Then what?" I pushed.

"Then you wind up back down here if no one breaks the tie. Just until someone backs down." She eyed the robe and lingerie lying at my feet.

"You should put that on."


"You'd rather him hit you then?"

"No, but I'm not wearing that."

"Honey, if you want to get out of here you'll have to play along." I chewed on my lip.

"Hey, can I see that pocket knife you have?" She looked down at her legs and pulled it out from her pantyhose.

"What for?"

"I have an idea."

She handed it to me. I didn't know if my plan would work but it was worth a try. Turning the pocketknife in my hand, I popped it open and inspected the small blade.

"Is it alright if I keep it?" She shrugged.

"Do whatever you want with it. It's just the last thing I have from home, no biggie," she smiled sadly again and I felt guilty. "What exactly are you planning on doing?"

"I'll get us out of here," I whispered, leaning closer to her. I didn't want the other girls to hear because A: they'd probably just tell me to shut up again and B: I wouldn't be able to get them all out. I wasn't about to make promises I couldn't keep. If this worked.

"Put that on," she rolled her eyes. I finally obeyed. Doing as I was told was part of my plan. I got undressed and slipped into the lingerie. I tied the string of the robe around my waist.

The guard was back and stood in the cell's doorway. Before he motioned for me to come forward, I walked toward him.

"Good luck!" Crystal called. I wondered how long she's been here and if she really was losing it or if that was just how she is.

The guard closed the door to the cell and led me down a hallway and up some stairs. I held the sandals in my hand, refusing to put them on because the shoes I wore were just fine. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. After we got to the end of another hallway, he turned and beckoned for me to walk in front of him telling me where to turn. We walked through heavy metal doors and he knocked on the door.

"Here she is, sir."

I was pushed into the room. A quick sweep told me it was the same room I was brought to by the other guard the first time. The familiar looking man from before was leaning against the only desk in the room. The walls were lined with men and even a few younger guys closer to my age dressed in the same black outfits my guard wore with a red fabric tied on their arm. They all looked grim and stared ahead at nothing, unmoving.

"Ms...Olivia," his chilling voice sent shivers down my spine. I glared at him.

"I hear you weren't too happy with your outfit. Did you not like what I provided for you?"

"You must be crazy," I said. And the guard struck me again.

"I am crazy. Don't you know who I am?" My head, which had been whipped to the right, slowly turned to look at him.

"Take yer robe off."

"No." I cringed when the guard lifted his hand again.

"George," the man in charge held a hand for the guard to stop then looked at me. He waited.

I slowly lifted my hands and untied it. As soon as it hung open to reveal the thin outfit, I pulled my hair around front on both sides to cover my exposed skin.

"Put the shoes on," he commanded and I obliged. After slipping on the sandals, he came forward and held out his arm. I looked at him and he glanced down at his arm pointedly. The guard shoved me so that I stumbled and grabbed the only thing that would keep me steady, the arm. I clung to it trying to regain my balance and his hand clamped down on mine to keep it there.

He led me to a door behind the desk. "You will not speak at all. Understood?" I didn't answer. "Good job." He patted my hand and my skin rippled, making me want to shrink away. We walked to another door and we entered a white room with red carpeting and plush white leather couches. Men stood and sat around the room, conversing. There were a few women too.

"Jason," a white haired man walked toward us.

"Monty," the man I was holding on to greeted. His name was Jason.

"Who is this young lady?" Monty openly looked me over from head to toe. I felt disgusting as his eyes trailed down my legs and my bare stomach. I turned my head away. "I've never seen you bring in the girls yourself."

"This is Olivia. She's the one I was telling you about," he glanced at me with an approving smile on his face. The crinkles around his eyes gave away that he was older than I thought. Everyone around us stopped talking and looked at us. He walked me to the center of the room.

He had me step on an 'X' which had been marked with gray duck tape before backing away and falling into the crowd that came to stand in front of me. I crossed one arm over my chest to grip the other, but realizing that that only pushed my boobs up even more, I brought it back down. I couldn't look at them without wanting to claw at my skin and run. But there was nowhere to go. This man reeked of power and struck me as the kind of person who enjoyed inflicting pain.

Instead, I stood like a statue and focused on the small overhead lights that illuminated the room. Maybe if I focused on a bulb long enough, it would eventually obscure the rest of the room from my line of sight. I heard a faint mechanical humming then felt the ground rising beneath my feet. This must be the pedestal.

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