Chapter One: Fake IT

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Just a little note on the side is a cast of the people and who their characters are, however if you go and google them when it comes to Katie Stewart you have to search Katie Stewart Girl/Girl Scene or you'll get the wrong person. I will be posting a Picture for each chapter of one of the Characters following the way they are listed on of the cast list. First you have Ksenia Solo Aka Ella :D hope you enjoy. This is my first story so please be kind :D

------- Chapter One: Fake It -----------

As my stupid aunt drops me off and just leaves me on the step before saying "someone will be right here so just stay put." And gets in the car and starts driving off in her Lexus. I just stand there pissed before reaching up behind my ear grabbing my last cig I'm sure I'll ever smoke and putting it into my mouth. I lite it up with a match and inhaled a long drag. I blew out a slow puff and after a minute i look up and see a women in heals walking toward me. By this time I'm almost done with my cigarette.

"There's no smoking allowed on campus, but since you're new here we'll let it slide." She states walking closer to me. When she finally reaches me she stretches out her hand "I'm Professor. Shay Porter I'll be you're dorm adviser here at the academy." She ends with a smile.

"I'm Ella Annabelle Amelia Stark." I say before taking her hand and shacking it.

We walked into a corridor that lead us to a big door. She stoppes and knocks on the door and all you hear is a voice that says the door was open. Professor. Porter opens it and we enter the big door and a cheeky old women turns around in the chair behind the huge desk that's in the middle of the room.

"Ahh Professor. Porter our new student I presume." The elderly women says coughing.

"Yes Ma'am this is Ella Annabelle Amelia Stark in dorm room 732 in quad 4." Professor. Porter says Keeping the smile on her face.

"We'll then Ella, I am the head of the academy, I'm Headmistress Catherine Anderson. Here at Zante Academy there's no dress code, all we ask is that you don't wear anything with alcoholic logos or profanity just like in a public school. Welcome to the academy if you have any questions Professor. Porter will answer them. You may go." She says as she waves her hand toward the door.

Following Professor. Porter around campus she points at all the different buildings and explains what they are. After what seems like forever we finally reached the dorm and she showed me to my room.

"I don't have roommates?" I say a little confused.

"You do they'd be in the dining hall which is we're we'll be going now because its dinner time!" She says happily.

She starts to walk out the room before she notices I wasn't fallowing her. I was sitting on the bed trying hard not to show that I'm in a lot of pain.

"Are you okay Ella?" She asked with a concern look on her face and she comes walking towards me when she got here she kneels down and placed a hand on my knee I flinched at the touch in pain.

"Just a little weak still." I say with a sigh and a tear falling down my cheek.

"Did a family member abuse you?" She asked confused but also concerned.

"What my aunt didn't tell you the reason she didn't wanna keep me, well that's just fucking great. Look I'm fine everything is fine just drop it, lets go I'm hungry." I say as I slowly make my way up off the bed and knocking her on the ground.

"Look I didn't mean to upset you I'm sorry it's just up flinched like you where in a lot of pain, but I can see you don't feel like talking so ill drop it for now." She says as she stands up.

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