Chapter Nineteen: I Could Get Used To This

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The Picture is what their bedroom looks like :D


I Could Get Used To This

               We must have been driving for almost six hours will we started seeing signs for Orange County. Starting to see familiar places from when I used to live here I was getting very excited. Finally I saw Shay turn into a driveway I turned in and parked next to her car. We both got out of our cars and smiled at one another. I walked up to Shay and pulled her into me and kissed her “Baby we have a place that’s just ours.” I say smiling into the kiss. Shay pulls away “That we do and the only thing that’s in it is our bed that Jaz brought us I told her to sell everything else because I wanted to start fresh with you.” Shay says as she pops her trunk. I did the same and we started bringing in everything we had in our cars. I was so excited to not have to hide anymore with Shay.

               After an hour of relaxing we decided to order food before leaving to go to Ikea for new furniture and then grocery shopping. It almost feels like it’s a dream to me I mean that I am in love and living with my girlfriend who used to be my teacher. I heard the doorbell go off Shay I got up and answered it “Hello?” I say opening the door Shay was coming out of the kitchen with her cash to pay for the food because who else would it be. “No Fucking way Ella Annabelle!” Ali says I guess she’s working for Nico’s. “Uhh Yeah Hi Ali how much?” I asked pointing to the food. “Oh right 22.54$ is the total. When did you move back are you coming to school tomorrow?” Ali says smiling while Shay hands her the cash for the food. “Today and no I won’t be going to school I graduated earlier today.” I say taking the food from her and walking placing it down on the floor since we don’t have a table. “Thank you for our dinner.” Shay says smiling at her. “Shay forgot something in my car I we’ll be right back.” I say walking past Shay and running to my car to get my phone charger. “So your dating that woman she’s old enough to be your mother?” Ali says looking at me with hurt in her eyes. “What I do with my life is none of your business anymore Ali.” I say closing and locking my car and heading up to my house.

               I watched Ali get into her car and drive off she’s always been the jealous type. When I walked in I saw Shay setting up our dinner and smiled at her “You’re such a romantic person.” I say as I sit down next to her. We ate our dinner and talked about how we wanted to get a new fridge, dryer and washer because the ones that the previous owners left we’re kind of nasty. “So who’s car you want to talk mine or yours?” Shay asked smiling at me as we were going to leave. “You can drive.” I say handing her my keys because mine has a bigger trunk. We walked out the house and locked the door then we got in my car and made our way to Ikea. “So I am so excited to start our next chapter in life together.” Shay says smiling I couldn’t help the smile I got on my face being with her was the only thing I want in life. “Me either I feel like this is right like we can just come home and be with one another and just be happy.” I say as we turn into the Ikea parking lot.

               We parked the car and got out the car and automatically grabbed each other’s hand and intertwined our fingers. Must have spent almost two hours in Ikea when we checked out the lady told me and Shay our stuff would be delivered tomorrow morning which was okay with us. We went to target to go grocery shopping and get bedding and stuff. That was such a fun trip because Shay and me kept arguing over what sheets to get and this and that it was cute. We finally got everything that we needed here and made our way to the checkout line where I ran into someone I wished to never run into with Shay. “Ella!” Jal says smiling I didn’t know she worked here. “Hi Jal how are you?” I say as I help Shay put up our stuff on the till. “I’m good, well you two are sure getting a lot of stuff?” Jal says looking at me and then over to the women I have yet to introduce. “Yeah, we just moved here.” Shay says looking at me with a, your joking right look. “Right I forgot your Aunt sent you to a boarding school. So who’s you’re friend L?” Jal says looking at say as she continues to ring up our huge order. “She’s not my friend Jal, This is my girlfriend Shay.” I say grabbing bags and loading them into one of our two carts that we had. “Ohh, hello Shay I’m J..” was all that Jal got out before Shay cut her off. “I know who you are Jal. Do me a favor tell Richard I say hello.” Shay says before sliding her card to pay for our order.

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