Chapter Eight: Can I Have A Kiss

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Hey trusty readers I am so sorry for the long update wait. I am working and going to school and my days are pretty hectic and not to mention my big ol' friend writers block came for a visit. But here we are.

Also the picture on the side or at the top is of Professor. Jamie Midler

"Stay with me?" Shay whispers again wwinto my ear before pulling me to her bed.

"I wish I could Shay, but its not that simple." I say as she pushes me backward on to her bed.

"Sure it is Ella." shay says as she straddles my hips and looks down at me for my answer.

"I should go ." I say as I go to try and sit back up.

"Your not going anywhere." Shay says as she pins me to her bed and leans down and kissed me. "Ella stay with me." she whispers again into my ear again.

"Shay I can't." I whisper back.

"What are you so scared of?" Shay says sliding off my hips and laying next to me on her side.

"Honestly I'm scared about everything." I say as I start to fiddle with her left hand.

"Everything like what?" Shay says as she inches closer to my side.

"Like that you might not feel the same, getting caught, that even though you might feel the same that you might realize the risk isn't worth losing everything for." I say trying not to make eye contact.

"Ella that will never happen I love you no I'm in love with you I wake up every morning and it kills me to know your only five doors down instead of being in my bed cuddle up next to me and it sucks. An I can't promise we won't get caught because there's always going to be that chance. But I will never wake up and decided that your not worth it ever." Shay says pulling me into a kiss.

"I should go get some sleep." I say sitting up.

"Ella?" Shay says as she grabs my hand.

"What is it Shay?" I say turning to look at her.

"Can I at least have a kiss before you leave?" Shay says looking up at me with a smile.

I pull her into a kiss and that kiss leads to a bigger kiss.

I pull away from the kiss and turn toward the door. "I love you shay." I then say as I turn to look at her before I unlock the door and stick my head out to make sure no one was in the hall.

"Love you too Ella good night." shay says before I sneak to the door and shut it behind me.

I sneak back into my room and lay down in my bed. I stare endlessly at the picture of Shay and Lexia. I turn to face the wall. I grab my phone and pull up shays number and call it.

"Hello who is this?" Shay whispers into the phone.

"Hey I thought maybe we can fall asleep with each other on the phone" I say into the phone forgetting I never texted her my number when Lexia gave me her cell number.

"Sounds perfect I miss you already." Shay says into her phone.

"Me too." I say into my phone. we both must have been really tired because we fell asleep not to long after I called her.

When I woke up I heard a muffled voice.

"You still there?" Shay says in a muffed tone.

I spent a couple minutes trying to find my phone it ended up being under my pillow.

"Yea I'm still here morning." I say into the phone.

"I wish you where here." Shay then adds I hear water starting so I think she's getting ready for a shower.

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