Elementary my dear Watson

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Starry and Raina were sitting in the seats of science, their last class of the day.

Vincent was going to pick them up since Raina's Mom was working a bit late today.

Beck Moers was doing his typical obnoxious fake flirting with all the love thirsty girls in the class.

Starry didn't care honestly and Raina, well Raina was taken.

Class was shortened so a video was played discussing the wide differences between elements with a cartoon snake and a cat.

He decided to pester Starry of all the humans in the classroom.

People were shuffling around and out of the classroom while he was speaking.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see."

He winked and the other girls gained jealousy.

Starry fluttered her bold eyelashes.

"Hey Beck, Are you Fluorine,Uranium,Carbon, Potassium, boron, oxygen, and iodine?"

He blinked, then waited for the punch line.

Raina twirled into the room.

She mumbled under her breath.

"What?" Asked Beck.

Raina cleared her throat.

"cause you're a FUKC BOIIIIIII!"

Raina stood next to starry and made them vanish.

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