Chapter 4

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Ash's POV
"Good because I have a suprise for you." Great I wonder what it could be (note the sarcasm) "Cool what is it." I look him straight in the eyes "Turn around." I was so nervous but I turned around anyways. I gasped at the sight of in the middle of his tiny bedroom was a table with a white cloth covering it and on the cloth was a vase with beautiful white roses in them but as soon as I say the white roses I backed away from the table be a use I'm allergic to white roses before I got to the door I turned and looked at Jc and shook my head 'no' and walked out once I walked out of the room there stood Connor, Kian, Ricky and Sam I walked away from them and into my room I heard little whispers comeing from outside the only person in my family that didn't know that I was allergic was Kian. I heard a soft knock on my door I wasn't in tears or any thing I just felt really bad that I just walked out of there like that "Come in." I answered the knock nd Sam walked in I was so confuse on why he came in. He walked into the room and shut the door behind him but not all the way I'm guessing so that the guys could hear what was going on inside my room "Yes." I said looking at him "What happened in there you know with Jc and you walking out of his room?" He asked kinda nervously I don't know why but I also don't care I sighed and started to explain "Nothing happened it's just that as I was looking at the what the suprise was I noticed the flowers." "What about the flowers?" He asked "Well I noticed that they were white roses, don't get me wrong they were beautiful but..." "But what?" He asked looking really confused "Ugh I'm allergic to white roses that's what was wrong Kian doesn't know this." I said really getting annoyed. He looked at me with wide eyes "That's it?" He asked that's it I was about to snap I can never tell San anything "Yes NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM." I was screaming at the top of my lungs "ok bye." He said really calmly and got out as soon as the door shut I screamed into my pillow and laid down. My eye lids got heavier and heavier I stopped fighting and let them shut. The only good/ bad thing about being a soft sleeper is that if you hear any noise you wake up well that may just be me. I wake up about two hours later to someone what sounds to shattered some glass I was scared and had a pain in my back I got up and walked out of my room and into the living room were all the guys where is as rubbing the sleep out of my eyes when Connor saw me and picked me up bridle style and brought me into the kitchen and set me down on the counter "You ok?" He asked in a low whisper "No my back hurts." I whisper back to him with a smile he walked to the fridge asked "Do you want anything?" Still in a whisper my stomach growls and I nod 'yes' he pulls out some jelly shut the fridge and grabbed the peanut butter and bread I looked at him weridly and asked "What are you doing?" "Making you a sandwich what does it look like?" I was so confused I jumped off the counter grabbed the jelly and put it in the fridge "Fact I don't eat jelly on a sandwich." He laughed at what I said but it was true I don't eat jelly on sandwiches he handed me my sandwich and I stole the knife from him and licked it and tossed it in the sink as he put the peanut butter and bread back "Thanks Connor" I said taking a bite out of my sandwich "Welcome" he said and walked into the living room I followex him and sat down on the couch in between Ricky and Trevor when I was done with my sandwich I put my legs in Trevor's lap and my head in Ricky's lap after a few minutes of dead silence I got up to go pee I was walking by Sam's chair and he pulled my onto his lap and said "Were are you going" I gave him the death glare and said "Well if you must know I'm going to the bathroom." "Why?" He asked like a little kid "Don't test me Sam." "Why?" He asked again in that little kid voice "God damnit Sam I will pee in your lap if you don't let go." And with that he let go and pushed me off his lap I got up and walk tot he bathroom 'Ewww the last person that was in here wait where are the girls and Trevor I will asked when I am done then I will tell at who ever left the seat up." After I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room "Where are the girls and Trevor?" I asked as I walk in the room "They went shopping" Rick said.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry this was short but oh well. Comment please and yea BYE:3

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