Chapter 3

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Ash's POV
I sitting on my bed crying when I feel someone rubbing my back I shot up and looked to see how it was it was Kian when I saw him I hugged him and he asked "Why are you crying Ash?" But in all reality I had no idea why but I managed to spit out "It w..w..was Jc I don't know what's wrong with it but in the car he said thank you for being here I don't know what that was supposed to mean then he cover my mouth with his hand in the pool and I like him in all but why is it so confusing." I then realized that someone had walked in the room it was Conner I loved Conner as a brother type of figure of course. He came over and hugged me I hated crying in front of people I just looked so gross when I cryed. After about half an hour of sitting there hugging Connor and Kian they left and I was alone until I heard yelling from downstairs from Kian "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!" then there was a silence or someone was talking but really quietly then there was more screaming "YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT TO A GIRL NOT JUST ANY GIRL BUT MY FUCKING SISTER REALLY JC!" I walk out of my room so I could hear what he said but so they can't see me he said "I'm sorry it's just that I..I love her and I couldn't help it." As he said that I walked downstairs ran up to Jc who was in tears and gave him a big hug and whispered into his ear "I love you to" as I said that he wrapped his arms around my waist I pulled away from the hug and looked at all the other boys they all had confused looks on there faces then my life saver my phone rang and started to play 'Kiss me quick' I ran up stairs with all the boys behind my it was Mia I answered and said "Hey what's up" I heard screaming from the other end of the phone and guessing that Emma was there to I said "Hey Emma, why are you guys screaming?" Then it all stopped and Mia said "Because me and Emma are moving to California." I screamed and started jumping up and down I almost dropped my phone and asked "When?" I screamed even more when she said "We are leaveing tomorrow and we need some where to stay till we can get our own place?" I looked at Kian wide eyed and said "I will text you ok good luck tell me when you get here." And with that I hung up and started to scream even more I sat on my bed and all the boys gathered around me and looked confused so I told the "MY BEST FRIENDS ARE MOVEING HERE." And then I looked at Kian and said "Can they stay here till they can find there own place please kiwi." He nodded and said "Sure only if there to boys like you."
"Of course they are there flying in tomorrow." I feel down on the bed and closed my eyes after everyone left or I thought everyone left I changed into shorts and a sports bra
when I walked back to my bed there was a bump in the sheets of course someone stayed and hid so I didn't see them at first I pulled back the covers and climbed into the bed and got comfortable in the bed with this lump and by me getting comfortable I cuddled into the lump and felt it's body heat I could pretty much tell who it was what not wanting to confront him I turned on my phone and shined it in his face and said "Night Jc." Then I fell asleep thinking about Jc and my best friends.
I woke up to Jc singing in my room he was singing Kiss me quick "Baby I've been searching." I burst out laughing and sang "Baby come kiss me quick." Kiss me quick is one of my favorite songs how did he now that I also set it as my ringtone for Mia and trumpets for Emma's ringtone then I realized that it turned off and she was calling me I picked up the phone and said "Hey sorry" I was walking around my room getting dressed "Where the Fuck are you guys where looking for you at the airport." I forgot "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck I forgot you know what I'll send Kian to get you" I screamed downstairs to Kian "KIAN CAN YOU GO PICK UP EMMA AND MIA FROM THE AIRPORT!" it was quiet then there was a jingle from some keys and he said "yea I'm going." "Thank you sooooo much Kian." about an hour later I hear two girls scream "WERE HER BITCHES!!" I laughed so much as I walked down the stairs I almost fell but Jc grabbed my waist before I did I turned to him he had a shy smile when we got downstairs I ran to Mia and Emma. Mia was already getting it on with Sam they were talking and giggleing I walked behind Sam and put my elbow on his shoulder and said "Mia what are you doing talking to MY Sam." Her eyes got bigger and said "I was just talking to him." Sam stepped in between us and said with his hands up "Girls, girls, girls there is enough of me to go around." I walked to Mia and said "You wish Sam." Then whispered in her ear "He's all yours go get em tiger." I walked to Jc and smiled at him "Sam do you want to give Mia a tour of the house and I will give Emma one?" Kian asked I pulled Kian over to the side behind a door and told him "You may be my brother but that is my best friend out there and if you hurt her I will hurt you even more she is really sensitive ok so be nice don't push things with her ok got it?" He nodded and gave me a hug and walked out of the room I walked up stairs and about half way up the stairs warm hands grabbed my waist and pulled me up over his shoulder it was Ricky of course it was "Ricky put me down." "No" he said when he did it felt like all my blood went to my head and I was dizzy and fell i closed my eyes to get rid of the spinning when I heard talking I think it was Jc and Ricky "What did you do I told you to get her into here not make her pass out." I opened one eye and then the other one and said "Dont worry I'm ok just a little dizzy." Jc leans down next to me and said "Good because I have a surprise for you.

A/N: I don't care if you liked it or not because I'm hungry. I got to go food but Comment please.

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