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A long time ago, in the far away magical kingdom called fairy land.There lived various mythical creatures called fairies along with many other mysterious magical creatures which normal humans thought existed only in fantasies or their story tales. The fairy land was a beautiful place with greenery, beautiful flowers, Blue Ocean and clear sky. It had various mythical creatures like mermaids jumping in the water, the fairies flying with their fairy dust falling everywhere, dragons flying in the sky, unicorns moving around.The fairy land was a land of peace and harmony.

As it is said with every good thing there are bad things too.The fairies were divided between good and bad fairies. The good fairies were called seelies where as the bad ones were called unseelies. The fairy land was ruled by a fairy god mother, the queen of seelie fairies 'Queen stella' and was protected by the ancient fairy spirits. Queen Stella is the fairy of glimmers; she was flawless, kind and beautiful.

The bad fairies started appearing at night and assault travelers, often carrying them through the air, beating them, and forcing them to commit acts such as cheating, stealing.Queen Stella decided to punish them for their acts and sent the unseelie fairies to the other side of the fairy land called dark land. she created a magical boundary so that they can't enter the fairy land. This decision was made to protect others from their evil and mischievious acts.

But one day an evil fairy formed a troop of unseelie fairies and provoked them to take revenge on the fairy queen for banning them and throwing them aside. All the bad fairies got together and declared a war. They made her as the queen of unseelies. She was the fairy of shadows, the evil fairy queen 'Queen Nadia'.The evil queen with her troops broke the magical boundary and invaded the fairy land.

She spread destruction all over the magical kingdom. She was more powerful than before. A war took place between the seelies and the unseelies. Queen Stella tried all possible ways to protect her land and creatures but it was of no use. There was destruction everywhere. She requested the magical knights to help them. They were the mythical creatures without wings and their weapons had magical powers. With their help the war was brought to an end.The unseelies lost the war and returned to the dark land. Queen Nadia burned with rage and revenge in her eyes.

Queen Stella approached the ancient fairy spirits for advice and a prophecy was unwrapped. According to the legendary prophecy, a powerful fairy will be born and along with her 5 powerful fairy sisters she will fight against the evil and end the life of the evil fairy queen. The ancient fairy spirits also revealed that these 6 powerful fairies will be born with different elements such as fire, water, earth, wind, light and ice. These elemental fairies will fight against evil and bring peace to the fairy land. It was also said the Queen Stella will be the mother of 5 fairies but only one will be her adopted child.This adopted child will be the one who will end the evil fairy queen.

The prophecy came true; the powerful fairy was born along with the 5 other fairies. Queen Nadia found about the prophecy and made every effort to kill the fairy but she was saved by Queen Stella. She adopted the child. The 6 fairy sisters met each other. After they became teenagers they met their knights. When they started to become powerful, nadia found out about them.She attacked the seelie fairies again with her troops and this time she was more powerful than before. There was destruction, chaos and loss. The 6 fairies and their 6 knights tried every ways to save them but their effort was in vain. She attacked the elemental fairies and they lost their lives. The evil fairy returned to the dark land celebrating her victory and death of the fairies.

But in reality they were still alive. Queen Stella and the ancient spirits placed each necklace made of their elements in their necks and sent them to the human world to protect them from the evil queen. They placed them in the 6 human wombs and said that when they will turn 16 years of human age they all will attain their fairy magical powers.The knights requested the ancient fairies that they want to go to the human world too to protect their fairies. The ancient spirits agreed but warned them "If we grant your wish your magical powers will be gone and your memories will be erased too. You can only meet them when you attain the age of 16 yrs of human age. Do you still agree?" .They nodded and soon they were sent to the human world too.


The 6 fairies were born in different places in different families in south korea. Their necklaces were still there with them and the knights were born in different families too.


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