1. Don't belong.

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Hey. This is a new book. The first chapter does contain violence. I will warn people before hand if there is violence in a chapter. Enjoy my lovelies 😊

River's p.o.v

I sit on the ground shaking as he stood over me, laughing at my tears. I sob into my hands and he takes a sip from his almost empty vodka bottle. "You're nothing to me. I hate you. You're a just a little girl that no one will ever want. You're a ugly bitch, and you wonder why you don't have any friends." I cry harder as he spits his words of venom at me.

After he drinks the last of his drink he breaks the glass on the wall above my head, glass shattering everywhere and falling to the ground. "Your mother and I should have had an abortion when we had the chance" he whispers to me, and he's right. No one will ever want me. I'm just a lame 15 year old that doesn't belong.

He punches me three times in the stomach, I don't dare wince otherwise he will take that as a sign of weakness. He laughs at my already forming bruises. I close my eyes letting a few years slip as he goes to slap me. I feel the nasty sting against my face.

"Do you have any final words bitch?" I sob into my hand, trying to muffle the sound that comes out of my mouth "I'm sorry daddy" I whisper. He slaps me once. "I can't hear you slut" he says and I cry harder at his nasty words. "I'm sorry daddy" I say louder. He laughs and punches me twice in the stomach before saying "I bet you are. Whore." He walks into his room slamming the door and locking it.

I shake as I slowly get up. I slowly walk to my bedroom and gently shut the door knowing that if I wake the person that I call father, he will give me another beating. As I walk into my room I see the picture of me and my brother taken on my 13th birthday.

My brother was 4 years older than me. He and my mother died three weeks after my 13th birthday. For two weeks after their death me and my father became very close. But I guess I wasn't enough for him to keep strong and he started drinking, I still remember the first day my father ever hit me.

Flash back

I was sitting on the couch in my living room, looking at the picture of me, my brother Harrison, my mother Jenny, and my father John. We were a happy family until my mother and brother died two weeks ago. A few tears escape my eyes as I hear the door open.

My dad walks in clearly drunk and flops into the couch. I furrow my eyebrows. I've never seen my father in this state before. He looks a mess. "River go get me a beer" he demands. I didn't want to disobey him so without a word I get off the couch and run to the kitchen getting two beers from the fridge.

I quickly take them to him. He snatches them off me and puts them on the coffee table that my mother loved so much. I sit and stare at the table.  "River come here" he says. I stand and walk so I am standing in front of the only person I have left. He slaps me and tears immediately form in my eyes. "It's all your fault River. If you didn't need to be picked up from school, the love of my life and my favourite child would still be alive. You should be the one dead. Not them. They didn't do anything to you. I hate you. I hope you feel bad about what you did. Go to your room and don't come out." He yells at me. Before I leave he punched me. My cheek starts to swell and I taste the metallic red liquid in my mouth.

I cried my self to sleep that night. But little did I know, that the beatings would become worse and the words would become more venomous.

End of flashback

I need to leave this house. I've taken his beatings for almost 3 years. I have so many scars it looks like I've just walked out of a battle field.

I throw my coat on, forgetting about my shoes. I slip my phone in my pocket and walk out of my room gently shutting the door behind me. I pull the front door open, wincing as it squeaks. I freeze waiting for any sign that my father has woken up. After I hear snores, I exit the house pulling the door behind me. I turn around and see the snow covered roads. I have to run as far away as possible.

I ran as far away from my house as I could, I'd been running in the cold snow for about 10 minutes now and I could feel my feet blister and bleed. I had to keep running other wise he would find me. I stumble into a warm bakery that hasn't closed yet. I see a boy from my school that I had only talked to once. I think his name was Kian.

I walk up to him and tears form in my eyes. His face washes over with worry as a tear slip from my eyes. "Kian can you please help me?" I ask, more tears slipping. He looks at me, worry evident in his eyes. "River what's wrong. Why aren't you at home. You should be sleeping at this hour" he says taking his apron off and walking from behind the counter to where I stand. "I can't go home. M-my father will beat me again." I say, more tears slipping as I think of the beating I got less than an hour ago.

He pulls me in for a hug, squeezing me slightly but letting me go as I whimper. He takes my hand and yells something to his boss. We exit the shop and we start walking somewhere. "Your going to stay with me for a while. Is that okay?" He asked with a worried tone. I nod, a few tears slipping as I shiver.

He notices that I have no shoes on and picks me up, bridal style. "You're freezing babe." He says as I pull him closer. He walks to his car opening the passenger door and putting me on the seat. He shuts my door and runs to the drivers seat and starting the engine. He puts the heat on high and smiles at me. "I thought you could use a little heat." I lightly smile. As he starts driving I slowly drift into a light sleep with a smile on my face because I know that I won't have to wake up to that horrible man tomorrow.

So new book. Tell me what you think. I think this book is gonna be better than the other ones I have written in the past. Idk when I will update next but hopefully soon. Please comment and vote. If not for me, do it for kian. Ohh yeahh what do you think of River & her father. John is mean. I hate himm. Who do you think river should be? Tell me in the comments or dm meWell anyways. Byeeee x

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