A new phase, a new responsibility.

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Like a ripple in

liquid that starts

from a very small

circle and grows

bigger and bigger

so are the phases

of life.

For every new

phase in life comes

a new obstacle to

conquer or a


responsibility to

take up.

Its like life keeps

getting harder as

we get older.

I remember a time in my life when the most important thing on my

mind used to be what kind of biscuit or snack mum was going to pack

for me as my break snack, or what type of school bag i carried to

school, but now things have gotten far harder.

I'm thinking about my life knowing that the decisions i make now will

either make or ruin my future.

We all look forward to the next phase of our lives hoping that it will be

better than the present one sometimes forgeting to enjoy the present

to its fullest and make the best of it.

i.e in primary school we all wanted to go to seconary school,

in secondary school we all couldn't wait to graduate and enter the


in university we were so impatient...waiting for when we will be out

thinking life would be easier...

but its not!

Its now more complicated than ever. Now we need to make very

important decisions.

Decisions whether we want to start working or go for our masters.

If we choose the former then we need to decide what kind of job we

want, which company, what department in the company...

If its the latter we have to decide on what school, what course, what


Life is characterized by fears yes, but the main question is

how we deal with those fears and responsibilities each new

phase of life brings?

Gone are the days where our parents made almost every decision for

us, or we looked up to them to tell us what to do, we have gotten to the

adulthood phase where we invariably decide what paths we want to take

and what we want our lives to look like.

We get to decide what is important to us, what is not and set our priorities right.

A new phase, a new responsibility.Where stories live. Discover now