The Last Summer

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I kind of felt guilty.

Mum and dad worked all the time. They did everything in their power to make sure my brother and I had the best of everything. From yearly holidays to private schools, all they wanted was for us to be happy and to have every chance to succeed in life. My brother, Marcus was only nine so he often missed my parents when they were at work but I had the chance most nights to spend time with them. Thankfully, my aunt had helped out and drove us where we needed to be and looked after Marcus when I couldn't. So naturally I felt guilty when they took January off to spend time with us, and instead I had signed up for two weeks of fun (at least that's what the brochure said). The first week was a day camp of sorts where we went to exciting places, like game arcades or the movies. The second week was a camp at a place called Mt Elizabeth.

As usual though my parents were completely supportive of me going because they wanted me to enjoy my summer and have the opportunity to make new friends, something that was difficult when you come from a rural town where the population barely reaches a thousand and the highlight of the week was the local junior footy club's games. Yes junior we weren't big enough to have a senior side.

I had been up since six getting ready because I was so excited. I had been to a similar program on the winter holidays but had only gone to two days after getting sick. I couldn't wait to see some of my old friends from primary school that I hadn't seen in forever.

"Kara" Mum called "time to go if you want to get there on time". I looked at the clock on my bedside table. I was shocked at the time. I had been sucked into reading Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time while waiting for it to be time to go. Yes, I knew I was a nerd but I loved classics. The only thing I liked better were the spoofs of the classics.

I slipped my purple and green paint splattered converse on, while shrugging a very thin bright yellow jumper on. I know its summer, but it wasn't that warm this morning and at least it only had short sleeves. Looking down to make sure I looked okay, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, to wait for mum in the car.

"Are you sure you have everything?" mum nagged me for the fifth time. She had asked me over and over again on the way here and it was only a ten minute drive.  

"I'm sure. I have my phone, purse and permission slip." I sighed.

"You'll have to tell me if there's anyone cute?" Mum laughed giving me a wink. I was really close to her and did happen to tell her everything. Well most things. What she didn't know didn't hurt her right? 

"I will. Maybe." I replied with a smile. I remembered back to the trip to the snow we had taken with the same group six months earlier.

The program ran most holidays for the last two years or so but I had only found out about it six months ago and had missed the September holidays because I had been on a school camp. It had been set up using the funds donated after our area had been hit by the worst bushfire in Australia's history. We had been one of the first hit. Almost three years on and people were still trying to recover but we had a long way to go.

Anyway, six months ago to end the holidays a ski trip had been organised. I had never even seen snow so I was beyond excited. An added bonus was that Nathan was coming. At six foot, with dark blonde hair he was gorgeous. He was only 21 and was studying to be a paramedic. I may have had a slight crush on him. That day at the snow he had been flirting with another one of the leaders Charlotte. She was gorgeous there was no denying it. She had black hair, perfect straight hair that fell to her mid back, almond skin and amazingly big eyes. Plus she was his age. Unfortunately, I couldn't even dislike her because she was also one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. Not that that didn't stop me from trying to get her with one of the other leaders on the trip, Damien or something like that.

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