Chapter 1

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I hope you like it, let me know what you think :) Song on the side has no relevance to the story but it's beautiful and anyone who hasn't heard it yet needs to :) 



The majority of my classmates will have had a fabulous, but short lived, summer holiday. For the most part, they will have ventured on an exotic family holiday to some faraway place, where they had meet a boy who was ‘just so dreamy!’ and who they reported they just ‘can’t stop thinking about!’ No-one had had a summer quite like mine though. Sure, everyone had done similar activities, like sunbathing at the local pleasure beach and going into town with friends, but no-one had spent those evenings, in that place, with that boy that no matter how hard I try, I just couldn’t stop thinking about for the entire hour and half I allowed myself to get ready every morning. I’d been so distracted at breakfast; I’d started eating my Frosties with a knife.  It was fair to say, it had been the best summer of my life. However, now, on this dreary Monday morning, I came crashing back to reality with a bang, glancing at my clock to see she had just five minutes until I had to leave, and then catching a glimpse of my bed hair and day old mascara.

‘Shit!’ I breathed. The sound of a car honking outside of my house startled me out of my skin, and I quickly rushed to my window to see who it was. Sure enough, Liam was sat there waiting for me, looking ‘oh so smart’ in his crisp white shirt and neatly ironed black trousers. I grabbed my phone and felt my fingers immediately dial the only number I had ever learnt of by heart

‘Hey,’ just the sound of his familiar husky voice sent my heart into overdrive.

‘What are you doing here Liam? What if my mum sees you? What if my dad sees you? What if anyone sees you?’

‘Calm down.’ I could sense the smirk in his voice, and it made just that little bit angrier with him, calm down! He was sat outside my house in his car while my parents slept unknowingly in their bed, this could very quickly become very messy. ‘Are you nearly ready for school?’

I took a quick glance in my mirror, and decided that all I could do was scrape my hair back in a messy bun a wipe of my old make-up. No time to apply fresh, not that that mattered though as I didn’t need to impress anyone anymore at school. ‘Give me 5?’ I asked.

‘Sure, I’ll go park round the corner if it will calm you down’ the smirk I could sense in his voice was clearly getting bigger and bigger.  I smiled to myself at the thought that his smirk was mine and only mine.

‘Okay, I’ll see you in a bit’ I pressed the call end button on my phone, and quickly grabbed my school bag, stuffing all of the books I would need for the day into it, while at the same time wiping of mascara and somehow managing to fix my hair. I was a good multi-tasker, I’d give you that. I quickly examined myself in the full length mirror at the end of my room. ‘Well Rose, that’s the best your gunna get, so suck it up.’ I inwardly thought. I suppose I was average looking. When my hair was down, it reached to about half way down my back, and was a light brown colour. I hated my hair, and how flat it always ended up no matter how hard I tried with it. For some reason, my friends had always envied it, I don’t really understand why though. My face was as plain as the next girls, and I didn’t see any redeeming qualities in it. I turned my back on my reflection, and ran down the stairs and out the down without a second thought.

I could see him sat in his car waiting for me, fiddling with the tuner on his radio. I still caught my breath every time I saw him. Thoughts of my past summer flitted through my brain, and at some of the images I could feel a gigantic smile spreading across my face. I picked up the pace, just so I could be nearer to him as quickly as possible.

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