Chapter 4

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*Authors note at the end :)

‘ROSE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU TODAY!’ I looked up from my table to see a very frustrated looking Baliey glaring down at me. We were currently sitting in the dining hall during lunch hour, and I’d been thinking about Craig and how I was going to get out of seeing Liam later.

‘What do you mean?’ I replied, slightly confused as to what I had done this time to get on her nerves.

‘What do you mean, what do I mean! For goodness sake Rose, you’ve been sat around moping since you got back at break time, and you haven’t even told me why, and now you’re ignoring me when I’m trying to talk to you about where you went!’ She screeched at me, making my ears ring slightly. Oh shit, I really need to talk to my best friend. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll know what to do.

‘Erm, right okay, Baliey, I need to talk to you.’ I took a deep breath and dove into my story. ‘Right, so you know that me and Craig have always been pretty close. Well I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with him for the past 4 years.’ She inhaled sharply at my confession, but didn’t comment, clearly wanting me to carry on talking. ‘The thing is, when I met Liam this holiday, I thought he would be the one to help me get over Craig, and it worked for a couple of weeks. But then, when I saw Craig again today, I knew I would never get over him. I think that maybe we’re meant to be together.’ I looked up from the table to see Bailey looking like she was going to explode from happiness, with the biggest grin ever stretching across her features.

‘OH. MY. GOD! ROSE! Why didn’t you tell me before! We’re supposed to be best friends! I can’t believe you!’ Her face showed a mix of emotions, both hurt and excitement at the same time. I wasn’t even sure how that was possible, but I knew I had to talk fast to stop her from going crazy on me.

‘I know I should have told you before, but I just couldn’t. I knew you would go crazy, and I couldn’t quite handle the idea of Craig finding out. Anyway, that’s not the only thing I had to talk to you about.’ I gave her a look, pleading that she would let me finish before she went full out crazy.

‘Continue.’ She simply said, her eyes still brimming with excitement.

‘So anyway, Liam was brilliant over the holidays, but sometimes he did things, or more tried to make me do things, that I wasn’t comfortable with. And now he’s pissed of cause I said I couldn’t meet up with him this lunch time, and so he is going to come and pick me up after school and is making me go back to his.’ I started sobbing slightly again, and so Bailey decided this would be an appropriate time to move away from the rest of the school.

‘Come on hunny, we will talk about this in a minute.’ She whispered, as she grabbed both our bags and dragged me out of the lunch hall, leaving our food untouched on the table.

When we got to an abandoned corridor, I sat down on the ground and started to full on sob my heart out. I just couldn’t believe all this had happened to me in one day!

Bailey squatted down next to me, and tried to soothe me ‘Shh, don’t worry about it Rose! Me and Craig will sort that piece of shit out! Have you told Craig about him yet?’

When she asked that, I suddenly remembered that still needed to go and talk to Craig. ‘Yes I have. And Bailey, before you start getting any ideas, I still love Liam. There is no way I am breaking up with him.’ I stated, confidence springing from somewhere deep inside me.

‘Er, right okay then Rose.’ Bailey said awkwardly, obviously just as shocked as Craig had been.

At that moment, I felt my phone vibrating from my blazer pocket. Thinking it was Craig wanting to talk, I pulled it out immediately. I was instantly disappointed to discover it was actually Liam saying-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2012 ⏰

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