Chapter 2

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Hey :) I know it's really short, and i'm really sorry about that, but it seemed like a good place to stop. Hope you like it & let me know what you think :) The song on the side has no relevance to the chapter but is one of my favourites so gove it a listen :) 



So far that morning, time had been going incredibly slowly. It was strange to think that it had only been twenty minutes since I’d said goodbye to Liam, because it currently felt like a decade had passed. I know it sounds absolutely absurd, but it’s true. I still had over six hours until I would see him again. Six hours and twenty minutes in fact. And 37 seconds. 36. 35. 34...

 ‘ROSEEE!’ Bailey’s thunderous voice next to me caught me off guard, and I nearly toppled out of my seat she scared me so much. Once I had regained my balance, and hit her with my exercise book a few times for scaring me, I asked her what had been so important.

‘Miss said that we were doing pair work, and Adam asked me if I’d work with him, but I thought I’d check with you first, so I turned to ask you and you looked like you were being hypnotised by the clock or something.’ I noticed then that Adam, the boy Bailey had had a crush on since year seven was standing in front of our table smiling down at us.

‘Yeah that’s fine,’ I said, beaming at how excited my best friend looked by the fact Adam might eventually like her back. ‘I’ll just work with Sally or something...’ I then felt a sharp poke in my left shoulder, and turned to see Craig, the class hunk and all around amazing guy looking at me with a weird expression on his face. ‘Hey’ I said, smiling up at him.

‘Hi. Did you want to work together?’ This was odd, usually he’d work with one of his guy mates, or one of the ‘popular’ girls (you know, the ones that no one actually likes). Oh well, it would be nice to have a change I suppose.

‘Yeah, sure.’ I got up from my chair and Adam slid into my place, instantly diving into conversation with Bailey about anything but Geography, or the work that we had been set. I still had no idea what that was. I followed Craig over to his desk and sat down in the seat usually occupied by Jeremy, who was sat across the class flirting with Sally. Good thing Craig had asked to work with me, I would have been left with some weirdo otherwise, and in our class there were plenty of those to go round. ‘So,’ I started, turning my attention back to Craig, ‘what are we supposed to be doing? I was a bit distracted when Miss was explaining...’ I trailed off; I didn’t really want to get into a conversation about Liam with Craig. I could imagine that being ever so slightly awkward.

‘Erm, we have to discuss eco habitats around Europe and decide how they differ from place to place. But I kind of wanted to talk to you about something first.’ Oh, well THAT didn’t sound good...

‘Okay, go ahead.’ I said, with a polite smile on my face, even though inside i was wondering what on earth he needed to talk to me about.

‘I, well, I, erm, I just thought you should know erm...’ What on earth was he trying to say? I gave him a look that told him to go on and he did, after a slight pause ‘Well, I kind of saw, erm, you this morning with, erm, Liam, and i just thought you should, erm, know something about him before you, er, get in to deep, so to speak.’ Hold up. How did Craig know Liam? And why was he acting so nervous? And how had he seen me with Liam? There was only Liam, Bailey and me when he got out of the car, everyone else had already gone into school.

‘Er, right, okay then,’ I replied, confusion clear in my voice. ‘What did you want me to know?’

‘Roooooose!’ Bailey’s voice came screeching up behind me, and I turned my back on Craig, unwillingly, and plastered a fake smile on my face. ‘You will never ever ever ever guess what just happened!’ She was now directly in front of me and her excitement earnt almost my full attention, although I was aware of Craig standing up and walking over to the small crowd that was gathering around Adam, where small ‘whoops’ could be hurt, as well as congratulations from his friends. What was going on? ‘Adam asked me on a date! Me! He asked me! Can you believe it?!’ As a matter of fact, I could. It was obvious to everyone that in the last term before we broke up for summer, Adam had developed an almighty crush on my best friend.

‘No way! That’s fantastic!’ I replied, the wide smile on my face now completely genuine. I was so happy for her! ‘Where are you going? How did he ask you? When are you going? What are you going to wear?!’ The questions just kept tumbling from my mouth. I couldn’t hold in the excitement I had for my best friend.

‘We’re going to see a movie next Tuesday. He just came right out and said it! He was like “I’ve liked you for ages and couldn’t get you out of my head all summer.”! I couldn’t believe it! He likes me! And I have no idea what I’m going to wear, can you come round and help me decide on Monday?’

‘Oh my goodness! How cute! Yes of course I will!’ I jumped up out of my seat and gave Bailey the biggest hug I could. I was so happy for her! She was finally getting what she deserved in life. She hugged me back just as tightly, and then Miss Crant shouted from the front of the class that we should all return to our normal seats and write up our discussions. Bailey and I untangled ourselves and walked back to our chairs, crossing Craig’s path on our way.

‘I still really need to talk to you.’ He whispered as we walked past each other. ‘Can you wait for me after class?’ I nodded, because the second I saw him all my confusion from before came back and I couldn’t even form a sentence. He carried on walking, and Bailey shot me a quizzical look, to which I replied with a quick shake of my head. She got the picture that I didn’t want to talk about it and left it at that. We sat back down in our seats and scribbled out some notes into our exercise books, not really thinking about what we were writing. But then, the lesson ended, and for the first time since I’d said goodbye to Liam that morning, I wished time would slow down. I knew I had to talk to Craig, and I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

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