Chapter 1

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Sometimes i wished i had it different and always thought of the what if this or what if that, but an old man said ''ifs are the thoughts of a fool'', so i no longer bother my mind to think about how my life would have been if i had it different. Every time i sleep different scenarios play in my dreams. Scenarios of how whenever i look out the window i see a beautiful view of the city with the rays of the streaming through in vibrant colors, or how flawless my face looks when i wake up creating an  ''i woke up like this'' status on tweeter. How on my walls there are endless pictures of me, my family and friends. How my medals are perfectly aligned showing everything i have achieved in my 17 years of life. Then suddenly the once vibrant light that that shone through my bedroom became dimmer and the once beautiful serenade that i thought was my life turned into a gloomy death. Everything i once thought true and real was swallowing, reminding me that all good things eventually came to an end, as if i had anything good happen to me. my dream was coming to an end dragging me with it into the dark shadows of my real life and suddenly

''I'm a Barbie girl in my Barbie world, imagination come on pretty nation

come on Barbie lets go party ooh woo-''

''Ugh''  I slammed my alarm clock,but silently grateful it woke me up from my dream, or beautiful nightmare. This dream always played every time i slept,it was seriously starting to play like a broken record, it always started and ended the same way. Rubbing my temples I looked up at the calendar and realized just what day this was. I sighed

'' This is the last, first day of high school'' i mentally chided myself.

Today is the first day of school and i'm finally in my senior year. Usually i'm not nervous for the first day of school. Its true I, Reina Derron am known for never being scared, anxious or nervous but this time I actually was and couldn't shake off the feeling that today something would happen, causing it to alter the universe i created for myself almost like a sense of foreshadowing. Nonna  always says i have the gift premonition but i always laughed at it, i'm not a big believer of superstitious stuff . Standing up I took a deep breath, rubbed my shoulders and grabbed my towel heading to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and a quick shower, I dressed up in my uniform. It consisted of a white shirt tucked into a beige skirt and a navy blazer. Searching my drawers for my necklace, I finally found it and quickly clasped it around my neck making sure it was hidden, the school has a rule against wearing any kind of accessory, grabbing my camera as well and headed downstairs. I'm not the type of girl to fuss about my looks and if there was one word that would describe my wardrobe i would say dark, dark colored clothes and shoes. When i finally reached downstairs the sight before me was quite amusing. There were girls running around in towels looking for the perfect outfit from each other, others with straighteners in their hair and the rest panicking about the first day of school. I don't usually smile, but the first days, actually the first weeks of school at the Cattleya house is always epic and interesting. We are 20 girls, 15 of us attend high school and the rest are in elementary school. So you can imagine how hectic it was and trust me it wasn't only the high schoolers panicking it included the younger ones too. Seeing a ten year old worry about how dark this mascara make her eyes, of if she was suppose to dye her hair to look new and might i say ''hot'', see what i meant by finding the scene quite amusing.

You're probably wondering how i can have twenty sisters and if my parents daily routine was mounting each other like rabbits. Firstly eew and secondly NO!, the Cattleya house is an all girls orphanage. Its a special orphanage for girls who are not able to find people who can adopt them, in other words the rejected orphans who don't look worthy enough to be part of any family. It was founded by a woman named Heidi Cayten she and her husband named the orphanage after the Cattleya flower, which means graceful women.Heading over to the kitchen I quickly grabbed 3 apples and rushed out of the chaotic house. Usually we sit around and eat breakfast as a '' family'' but its the first day of school and everyone is too busy caring about their appearance than food. I still had an hour left before school began and i could have taken the school bus, but i decided to walk rather than stay at the house due to certain reasons like:

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