Shortcuts and magic

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"....grab my coat ______." You looked at Wynter, confused, but complied. "Sans? It's getting a little cold. Why don't we take a "shortcut"?" Sans smiled wider. "Okay, ______, don't let go of Wynter's coat." You were about to ask why when a strange feeling washed over you,you noted that you were surrounded by a turquoise-ish color, and then you were standing in front of a house. "W-what?Where are........HOW." Sans laughed. "Magic" Wynter said, her right eye glowing a blue-green color. "You're learning pretty quickly Wynter, you've managed to master teleporting already!" You stared in astonishment. "Wow, what else can you do?!" She laughed. "Well, I can save you from Paps' spaghetti, that's one thing!" "What's wrong with his spaghetti?" "Have you ever eaten spaghetti that sparkles? Well don't." She shivered, a look of pure horror on her face. "Come on, let's go inside, I WANT CHICKEN." Wynter laughed, and her face returned to normal, a small smile adorning her features. "You cool with chicken for dinner _____? It's my specialty!" You smiled at her. "YASSSS, I LOVE CHICKEN." You all walked inside, laughing and talking. "So, fried, grilled, nuggets, or lemon chicken?" You and Sans smiled saying at the same time: "A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING!" Wynter laughed. "Okay! But I'm gonna need some help! Who's up to the challenge?" Sans thought for a moment, and you nodded happily. "I'll help!" Sans was still thinking. "Hmm....take a nap? Or help Wynter?........I.....I guess I'll help. But only if I get ketchup." Wynter laughed, holding her sides, occasionally snorting."I-if you *snort*love ketchup so much, then why d-don't you *snort*marry it?!*SNOOORT*" Sans blushed, and stammered a bit. "I-I don't think I c-could do that....somebody else has s-stolen my h-heart." Wynter stopped laughing, her face turning serious. Sans looked at her confused. "Who? Tell me. Now." There was a hint of jealousy and a whole lot of anger in her words. "Wow, you go from sweet to salty real quick Wynter." She ignored you, only focusing on Sans, who was blushing a very, very dark blue, almost black. "Sans, you okay? You look like you're gonna explode." He ignored you too, he looked like he was thinking, Wynter's face going from serious, to a little bit concerned, and......are those tears?
"Well? Who Sans? WHO?!" Sans looked taken aback by the harshness in her tone. "U-um...I-it's......uh......y...." Papyrus jumped in through the window "JUST TELL HER ALREADY SANS, JESUS. ARE YOU SCARED OR SOMETHING?" Wynter jumped a bit, staring not at Papyrus, but the window. "God damn it Paps, now I gotta fix the fucking window again........maybe I'll just call somebody to do it this time." "WOW, SANS' LAZYNESS HAS REALLY RUBBED OFF ON YOU HASN'T IT WYNTER?" She growled. "AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, ARE YOU CALLING ME LAZY?!" You grabbed Papyrus and tried to drag him to the door. "Umm, how about you show me around Papyrus?" "NOT UNTIL SANS SAYS IT." Wynter was furious now. "SAYS WHAT PAPS?" Sans finally spoke up. "That....that the one who stole my" He blushed again, hiding his face in his hoodie, well trying to........and failing. Wynter was crying. "I........I need some time alone........I-I'll make dinner tomorrow." Her eye started glowing, but before she could do anything, Sans hugged her. She stiffened up, not moving an inch, tears streaming down her face. Sans let go. "I-I understand if you don't return my feelings, I just........" He wiped her tears away, smiling a bit wider. "I just wanted you to know."

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