I'm in the Ocean?

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    So, I don't know what happened before this, but to begin, I'm in the middle of an ocean. In the distance, a light swirl flies towards me. I think, not another wave! I brace and seal my eyelids for the strong impact I am about to receive. I feel the whirling water slap my back. This time, when I open my eyes, I'm in shallow water rushing for sea urchins and razor sharp rocks.
    In quick response, I attempt to swim against the current. Seconds later, I finally realize that will not work. I close my eyes and brace again, hoping for the best.
    This time I open my eyes, I'm at the bay line of a beach. I get up, muscles sore. Sunlight rains down on my body, which actually feels kind of nice. I throw my drenched shirt and pants off to let them dry.
   I look out into the ocean. I am in a cove with steep mountains. No life seems to be around, but the few wild tamarin trees. I know that I won't survive without food, so I begin to contemplate the quickest way to get out of this closed in area without climbing the jagged sides.
   Eventually, I give up. I know that I have to climb to get out of here. Even if I have to take the chance of falling and dying.

Chicken nuggets are good

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