Chapter Six

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I barely saw Sam for a few hours after he left the room, presuming he either got caught up with someone or he just wanted space. Either way, I was perfectly fine though because the guys were welcoming enough and Nate was happy enough to sit with me for most of the time despite this being his party. He brought me a drink the odd few times but I wasn't particularly looking to get drunk or anything, I'm not the party kinda person so really we just talked and it was nice despite having to shout in order to be heard over the music. I asked him how they all met, apparently the Jacks went to school with Sammy and Nate met them elsewhere but they all came from Nebraska and according to Nate, Sam was the only successful one out of them so far. I didn't believe that entirely because even though Sam had a good career at the age of only nineteen, the others seemed to be doing pretty well for themselves in whatever they did judging by how nice Nate's place was. I never got chance to find out what it was that Nate actually did however because then Sam emerged from the crowd of bodies, and he didn't look happy. At all.

"What are you doing with my girl?" Sam snapped at Nate, practically staring daggers at him and I could tell from the way his words slurred together and he swayed slightly where he stood that he was wasted. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment at his words, subconsciously shuffling away from Nate because I didn't want people to think I was some sort of 'slut'. Except, I wasn't even aware that I was Sam's girl before we got here.

"Yo, we're just talking dude I swear." Nate replied and I flinched at the defensiveness in his tone... that was just going to make things look even more suspicious even though we had no reason to be. I could see Sam clench his fists by his sides at Nate's words, his jaw locking shut and I almost felt like punching Nate myself when I saw the smug look on his face, it's like he found it amusing to tease his friend which maybe it would be in any other case but right now it was making me feel even more at fault.

"Look, I think we're just gonna go." I muttered, my eyes on the floor but Sam stayed put as I stood up, his stare never leaving Nate. "Sam babe, come on." I tugged on the sleeve of his shirt to get his attention and his gaze softened when he looked at me. But I only furrowed my eyebrows, both in annoyance at the way he acted and also due to how fucked up he looked. I mean, I know the majority of the times I'm around him, his eyes look sort of glazed over but I figured that was just the way they are, they've never been a bad as this except the other night when we had sex. I chose not to question it though because he was too far from sobriety to give a valid answer and also he still wasn't particularly happy. "Give me your keys, I'll drive us."

"No, Harper. You can't drive like that! I'll drive you." Johnson spoke, when did he even arrive? I laughed at his words though because I was completely sober compared to him and I have no idea where he got the idea from that I would've be able to drive home for 20 minutes while he could. I simply shook my head with a smile as Sam lazily placed his keys in my hand, I glanced at him uneasily and I wanted nothing more than to ask him what the fuck is wrong with him but I'd keep it in, until tomorrow at least. "Thanks J but I think we'll be good. Tell Gilinsky we say bye yeah? Ill see you some other time." I wave goodbye to them, mouthing a sorry at Nate on Sam's behalf but Nate simply shrugged it off and I felt relieved I haven't actually damaged their friendship. "Come on." I spoke softly to Sam as he locked his hand in mine, guiding him out of the house as he stumbled behind me like a child.

Once we got into the car, I waited for Sam to make his own way in and sit down before I decided to speak. "How much have you had to drink?" The question was simple enough and I roll my eyes at the simple shrug he gave me in response. "Come on, Sam! You can't just act like that and expect me not to question it." I groaned inwardly at his expression, his wide eyes and his hands that are fumbling speedily with anything he can get his fingers on - right now it's a button of his shirt, he's constantly undoing it and doing it up again and I'd be lying if this weird behaviour wasn't unsettling for me. I give him an uneasy look because I don't understand why he's acting the way he is - surely this isn't how normal people act when they drink. "Whatever." I eventually sigh starting the engine and beginning to drive.

"You don't like Nate, do you?" His words make me jump because they come out fast and out of nowhere in the sheer silence of the car. I shake my head at his question, my lips pursed together in annoyance because that is the first thing he say to me? No apologies or anything? "I know I'm really hard to deal with and things but yknow I think you're great and I should've asked you before but do you wanna be my girlfriend like properly?" I keep my eyes on the road but I can feel butterflies in my stomach at his question, except I can't just say yes. Not when he's intoxicated from either alcohol or whatever the fuck else he's had, I needed to know he wanted it sober too.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow." My words are firm and he nods quietly as the car comes to a stop outside his apartment. "I'm gonna stay with you tonight to make sure you're okay, is that okay?" I turn to watch his face light up at my words, my eyes trailing over his features. He looks more or less normal now, his eyes are still glassy but at the level that I'm used to - at first I thought he was always on the brink of tears but I've figured out that must be just his natural eyes given that I'd never seen them any other way except the other morning when he woke up and earlier tonight before he left us.

It didn't take us long to get into bed, I was completely exhausted and the sight of 1.00am on the clock made me feel lame but today had been draining. I felt Sam's arm drape around my waist as his lips pressed against the back of my neck, making me squirm against him to which he chuckled, the sound of his happiness making my heart soar. "I'm sorry about earlier." He mumbled against my skin and I smiled at his words. "I just don't wanna lose you and I don't know, I feel like that could happen easily because you're amazing. And I know you said we'd talk tomorrow but just lemme ask again, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I shuffled over so we were face to face, briefly studying him to make sure he was being serious. He looked significantly better than earlier but I still wasn't prepared to ask about what actually happened tonight. I took a brief moment to decide before speaking. "Fine then." I rolled my eyes in mock sarcasm before laughing lightly to which he let out a giggle, his wide smile showing off his dimple which I poked fondly. "But you do realise that if my dad finds out then you're in massive trouble."

"You're worth the risk, princess."

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