Chapter Ten

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I could practically feel Sam's anxiousness radiating off of him as we made our way out of the bathroom and I wanted more than anything for him to snap out of it because he was making me feel more nervous by the second. When we entered the kitchen, my parents were stood there expectantly; my mother with a freshly poured glass of wine and my dad with his arm around her waist. The food was getting cold on the table but that was the least on my mind at the moment. I gave them an awkward wave and a tiny smile though they did not look impressed and from glancing at Sam I could see he got the same impression from them, his head was dropped low and looked at the ground. "Well..." My dad started, gesturing for me to carry on but part of me got the impression that he possibly already knew what we were about to say, mainly from the glint of anger that showed in his eyes when he looked at Sam. Fuck.

"Well, uh, Sam and I wanted to tell you something." I begun, clearing my throat and letting my eyes travel to Sam who'd moved beside me for some form of moral support. Come on, I thought, you can do this. Just get it over with, quick like ripping off a band aid. "We're kind of together. As in like, he's my boyfriend and yeah. I'm sorry we didn't say anything sooner but we didn't know how you'd react." I looked at them hopefully, my hands practically shaking from fear. I observed a wide smile appear on my mom's face; she'd always liked Sam and I swear she'd wanted something to happen between the two of us since the night we met so it wasn't her reaction that I was actually fearing for. It was my dad's. And there he was, simply shaking his head before his eyes fixed on Sam. "You can go find another job." His words were firm and angry and I could see the upset in Sam's eyes as my dad pointed at him accusingly. "And you can go find some other girl to mess around with because it sure as hell isn't going to be my daughter." I opened my mouth to protest some more before I felt the warmth of Sam's hand on my lower arm, pulling me back before interlocking his fingers with mine tightly.

"Mr Jones, I swear I'm not just messing around with Harper. Honestly, I know you might not believe me but she means so much to me, you don't even understand." I could hear every inch of panic in his voice, his hand getting tighter around mine the more he spoke but I didn't mind, I just wanted to hear him keep saying nice things about me. "My life has gotten so much better since I met her, just everything is so much brighter and I don't know what I'd do if you took her away from me. You can take my job, whatever else you want but please just give me a chance to make her happy because I swear that's all I ever want to do." Hearing him say those things about me made me feel weak at the knees, I never once imagined someone would feel that way about me, let alone Sam fucking Wilkinson. I judged my dad's facial expressions carefully, normally he was so easy to read but today not so much. The whole room fell into silence as my dad processed what had just been said and I prayed to god that he'd change his mind. Especially after what Sam had just said, that just made me want to be with him even more and the idea of leaving him that much more unbearable.

"Okay." One word. That was it and I felt my heart lift at the word. "Okay, as long as you look after her and if you so much as hurt her, that's it for me and you as partners. Do you understand?" Sam nodded abruptly opening his mouth to thank my dad for his permission before my dad wrapped him up in a hug. "One chance Wilk, because I don't think she could choose a better man than you and I want you both to be happy." He muttered into Sam's ear and I could see Sam's eyes light up for the first time since he got here. That familiar spark made me break into a grin myself as my dad pulled away to kiss my cheek.

"There's another thing." I started and my mom gasped before I'd even began to continue. I shot her a questioning glance before she spoke, "You're not pregnant are you?" I shook my head no as soon as the words left her mouth and I heard Sam snigger behind me. Thank god that was the first thing that came to mind, maybe now me staying with Sam for a whole won't seem so bad. "No, no, no mom nothing that bad. It's just that Sam is going through some stuff in his life that's personal and he lives alone and I really don't want him to be struggling on his own when I could help him. So would it be okay if I stayed with him for a little while, just a week or two? I mean I'll still come over I just won't sleep here."

"Oh, of course dear. I'm sure he'd want to do the same for you." My mom chirped, obviously relieved I wasn't springing some life changing news into her. "But Sammy, you listen to me. If you ever need anything from us don't you hesitate to ask, we're always here." Sam nodded his head gratefully as dad muttered in agreement with my mom. "Thanks so much you guys, for everything." He gushed and I could feel myself basically mirroring his expression because his happiness was just infectious to me. "Oh and Sam, take a few days off of work if you'd like. I don't expect you back till next week." My dad offered to which Sam gratefully thanked him. "You two can go sort out Harper's stuff if you want, save this food to take home with you." Sam and I thanked my parents one last time before I lead him to my room.

The second we got in the room, Sam closed the door behind us and his lips connected with mine. The kiss was deep and slow and the way his tongue moved with mine was so in sync that I was more than convinced we were meant to be together. After he pulled away, I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest, silently thanking him for everything he said downstairs because no combination of words had ever made me feel happier. Sam took a step back from me, taking each of my hands into his own before licking his lips. "Can I confess something?" He asked shyly and I nodded, my heart warming at how cute he was when he wasn't his usual confident self. "Even though we've only known each other a few week, and I know it'll sound crazy but I really do think I'm falling in love with you. You make me so happy and I don't know, I just really wanted you to know that. Is that okay?" I let out a quiet giggle at his uncertainty. Asking if its okay for him to be in love with me? Damn, this boy really is something else. All I could do was lean forward and press my lips to his briefly, unable to stop the smile from forming on my lips. "I think I'm falling in love with you too."

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