Chapter Fifteen

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It'd been a week since Johnson and I talked Sammy around to getting proper help and it had been three days since he'd been to see a specialist about it. He's doing good, better than before but that's because they've given some things to take as a sort of alternative, they're not as strong and they don't exactly get him high but they keep the withdrawl symptoms from being so bad that he can't function. The idea is that as he gets used to not being on cocaine, they'll lower the dosage of the meds he's on now until he doesn't need them anymore and to say he's been eating properly and hasn't complained too much about aches and pains shows it must be working.

It's currently 1:30am right now though and it seems that his insomnia is playing up tonight because he hasn't stopped tossing and turning for about an hour and it's driving me insane. I know he can't help but jesus christ, I'd give anything for him to stay still long enough for me to at least get some sleep. "Are you awake?" He whispers into the darkness and I grunt in response, way too sleepy right now to have a proper conversation. "Talk to me, I can't sleep." He whines, rolling over and jabbing me in the side with his elbow. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?" I exclaim, turning to face him and hitting him lightly but he's too busy laughing to himself at my reaction. "Just trying to wake you up." He splutters out in between laughs and I close my eyes in response, pretending to have fallen asleep in front of him. "Hey, wake up, lazy bitch." He jokes and I can't help but break into laughter. I can't stay mad at him for long, he's too damn funny and I'm so glad we have the kind of relationship where we can be playful around each other.

"Okay, I'm up! I'm up. What do you wanna talk about so badly that you have to keep me awake at 1:43am?" I question, checking the clock on the bedside table over Sam's shoulder as I speak. "You." A smile follows his one word response and if I wasn't so confused about what he meant by that, I'd go as far as to say he's adorable. I don't get chance to question though because he begins to talk again. "You know, just how beautiful and sexy you are. And about how I can't stop thinking about how much I wanna fuck you right now." I practically gasped out loud from shock at his words and there was that fucking smile again, how can he lie there and grin so innocently after what just came out of his mouth? "Sam!" I giggle, my cheeks burning red but all he does is continue to smile at me, leaning closer to peck my lips quickly. "I. Want. To. Fuck. You." Between each word he kisses me softly and pushes me by my shoulder so I'm laid on my back and he moves to hover above me, arms either side of my head. His lips attach with mine more forcefully this time, wasting no time in pushing his tongue into my mouth and immediately dominating the kiss. No more words need to be said about the matter because his hips are already grinding against mine and since we both only wear underwear for bed lately the friction is already good enough for me to feel small waves of pleasure. He eventually pulls away, both of us breathing heavily after the intense kiss and he looks down at me with need written all over his face. His mouth moves to that sensitive part of my neck and when he sucks and nibbles on that spot, my eyes flutter closed and I gasp, lacing my fingers in his hair. "Is that okay with you?" He mumbles against my skin before lifting his head up to look at me, waiting for my response. "Whatever you want, daddy."

Just those few words cause his eyes to darken with lust and he bites his lip slightly and lowers his face to mine once more. His lips push against mine with such passion I'm taken by surprise until he pulls away abruptly. "Sit up." He tells me, moving off of me so I can do so and his hands are unhooking my bra in a matter of seconds, tossing it to the floor without hesitation. His lips are attacking my neck once again, trailing kissing across the most sensitive parts before making his way down to my breast. It doesn't take long for his lips to be on my nipple, making me whimper with need because why the hell does he take so much time with this? He knows I hate it but I think that's why he does it more. "Do you want me to touch you?" He teases,  cocking his head to the side as he lifts his head to look at me. I nodded my head fast, eagerly but all he did was look at me blankly. "Use your words baby, I wanna hear you."  As he spoke, he reached over to grab a condom and I could feel my stomach already swirling with anticipation, I needed him so badly it was making m head spin. "Please daddy, I need you to touch me." I rushed, I still felt pathetic when I spoke like that, I felt desperate but that's what he wanted, he wanted to hear me like that. And it seemed to satisfy him enough.

Within a matter of seconds his fingers were wrapped around the waistband of my underwear and he was pulling them down painfully slowly - part of me envied how much self-control he had in situations like this, I don't know how he can even bring himself to tease this way. Once I'm completely naked, I watch as Sam peels away his own underwear and I feel myself filling with even more need than I had before at just the sight of him, he's literally driving me crazy as he slowly rolls the condom on and I groan in annoyance, wriggling my legs to highlight my frustration. Sam notices and shuffles closer to me, lining himself up at my entrance but before he does so, his hand snakes up my body and wraps gently around my neck. Well, when I say gently I mean not enough to suffocate me but with just enough pressure that I feel a little restricted for air. He leans forwards and presses his lips to mine aggressively, his tongue forcing its way in my mouth for a brief few seconds before he pulls away to speak. "Don't be so fucking impatient babygirl." He speaks, smirking a little before he slams himself into me with absolutely no warning.

I practically scream at the sudden wave of pleasure, he's already hitting my spot with practically every thrust and with one hand now moving to rub my clit and the other one still around my throat just tight enough for my head to spin and increase the pleasure further, I feel my whole body overtaken by nothing but this amazing feel. It's safe to say that in that moment, it was the greatest I'd ever felt. "Daddy, I'm already so close." I cried, my eyes squeezing shut as I felt my stomach tightening with each new thrust and that familiar heat was travelling all over my body. "You gotta wait for me, okay?" He spoke, his voice was husky as he spoke and a loud moan leaked out at the end of his sentence. I took in a deep breath as his grip loosened around my neck, he wasn't looking down at me just now but his hand began searching around the bed for mine and once he found it he laced our fingers together tightly. I knew he wouldn't be long now either, not from the way his hips were now at an unsteady pace and his breathing heavier than usual, the way he cursed repeatedly under his breath and his grip on my hand tightened significantly. The instant I felt him begin to release his high, I let myself go, both of us moaning in unison until we eventually came down from our peaks.

I relaxed into the mattress as I tried to get my breath to even out as Sam cleaned himself up and collapsed next to me on the bed, his arm loosely wrapping around my waist from behind me and pulling the duvet over us. I felt he heat of his naked body against my back and smiled happily to myself as his lips softly kissed the back of my neck. "I love you." He mumbled and I grinned even thought he couldn't see. "I love you too." It's moments like this, where it's just us two in the world and its late at night and we're wrapped up in each other's arms. Moments like this where I know I'm never going to give up on him, I know I'll help him through everything no matter what the cost.

A/N: I wasn't planning on this being the last chapter but it seemed like such a lovely place to end it and idk it just seemed to flow well into an end point. And anyways, smut is the best way to end anything amirite?!

(I may do an epilogue though so don't give up just yet)

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