Chapter 4

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A/N: So sorry for not really uploading the last couple weeks. I kind of stumped myself meaning that this chapter isn't the best but I knew I needed to write something.

Once again I'm sorry but here it is!

The morning came and went and all of a sudden the bell rang signaling that beginning of lunch. It also seemed to give permission for a ridiculous amount of butterflies to enter my stomach and begin to eat me alive. Well that’s what it felt like at least.

As I made my way to my locker my hands began to feel all clammy and I couldn’t shake the nervousness. Will Keegan actually show up? If he does what will the guys think? What would it mean if he came; does he want to be friends? Maybe more?! All these thought were swimming around in my head when someone came up from behind me.


I jumped about a foot in the air screaming. I could hear someone laughing their head off as I tried to recompose myself. Turning around I found Kim bent over from laughter to the point that she was almost laying on the floor.

I met Kim about two years ago in my Science class. We were assigned to sit beside eachother and throughout the year we became really good friends. Now she’s the friend I feel that I can confide the most in. I mean sure I tell the others things, but usually not until I tell Kim. She’s just a really trustworthy person.

“What the hell?!” I practically scream at her.

“Man you should have seen your face!” Kim had finally straightened herself out but laughter was still pouring out of her mouth.

“Whatever. My mind is kind of wondering today.”

“Too focused on your lunch date with Keegan?”

“How did you know about that?”

“I have my ways.” Kim gave me a wink and walked over to her locker which was just a few down from mine.

“No seriously, how did you know?” I asked while twisting my combination lock. It opened and I switched to my afternoon binder.

“Natalie told me in first period.”

“Of course she did.” I closed my locker back up and locked it. “And it’s not my lunch date. We’re all going down to the lake. Also he said maybe, meaning he might not be there.”

“He’ll be there.”

“How do you know that?

“I just do.”

“Crappiest. Answer. Ever.”

“Look will  you just stop questioning it and accept it?”


With that we made our way to the front of the school where our group of friends was waiting.

“So we’re going to the lake to meet Keegan?” Chase asked as soon and Kim and I were within earshot.

“How did - ? Never mind. Natalie right?”

“Yea she told us all to meet here so we could go down to the lake with you.”

“I didn’t even know that there was a lake near hear.” Damien said

“Where did you think I was disappearing to at lunch?” I asked


“You’re kidding right?!” Damien just gave me a blank look. “I’ve never had detention in my life!”


“Yea. Anyways let’s go.”

“Natalie and Leah aren’t here yet.” Just as Chase said this the two of them came around the corner all smiles.

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