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chris:SUNRISE you made it

india:yeah I did

DJ:chris april and I are leaving

chris:its a party YOUR party

DJ:april said--------

chris:don't care we made a fuckin vow after what happend that we'd been there for each other no matter what

DJ:chris you gotta understand its not about you all the time

chris dumps a beer on DJ and walks upstairs

india:chris you ok

chris:my brother and I are drifting apart and now I'm not sure if we can make our friendship work

india:chris I have 4 other sisters and I only see one and not all the time

india sits next to chris

india:but he loves you I can tell

chris: not as much as I love you

chris kisses india

india:wait chris stop I cant


india:I have a boyfriend I can't love you

chris puts his bandanna

chris:well I guess if you can't love me then I can't be loved right gain some lose some

chris leaves the party

chris's dorm


chris kicks down a chair

chris:I aint got SHIT

tyga:yo man keep it down

chris grips tyga's shirt and pins him to the wall

chris:I ain't got shit to live for right now my brother chooses him girl over me the girl I fell in love wit doesn't love me back (in Spanish) I will murder you right now

chris walks back in his dorm


I:chris we need to talk

c:enough said india

I:no not enough

c:I'm listinin

I:chris I'm sorry I have a role to play chris I really wanna be with you but i can't right now chris I really can't something bad will happen to you and I dont want that happening

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