buttoned up

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kelahni:hey india where is the mister mystery man

chris:fuck no

india:what's wrong

chris:i don't like that attention whore

kelahni:attention whore you sure as hell got a lot of attention going in and out prison

india:prison? christopher maurice brown you went to prison?

chris:twice once for the death of my youngest brother one for dj

india:how could you not tell me

chris:i wish you fucking died bitch


kelanhi:and i wish ya fucking good for nothing brother died sooner

chris:ya ugly ass is just mad that my brother fucked you and never called ya ass back

india:chris this is my best fucking friend

chris:i already told you i don't like her ass

india:chris can you please just go in the crib

chris:yeah baby

chris picks up india and passionately kisses india and makes eye contact with kelahni

kalahni:bitch ass

chris:dyke ass

chris puts india walks inside the house

tyga:what the fuck was that

chris:that bitch ass dyke outside with my girlfriend

tyga:oh shit this must be killing you

chris:if she fucking kisses my fucking girlfriend i'm gonna kill her bitch ass

tyga:she won't


tyga:cuz i do

chris:what nigga

tyga:trust me

10 minutes later

india walks in the house



chris:what happened

india:nothing jail bird

india storms upstairs

madison:did she find out you went to jail


chris grabs india's wrists

chris:i'm sorry i ain't tell you i ain't want you thinkin i'm some nigga that goes to jail and just wants some ass but india i fucking love you more then myself and i don't want you not loving me because of this

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