forever and always

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chris:hey sunrise

india:hey babyboy

chris:i need some food

india:we just fucked and your talking about food

chris:what do you want me to talk about sex

india lays on chris's chest and he wraps his arm around her



es babyboy

chris:how you feelin

india:im ok

chris:good cause im taking you ice skating

ice rink


chris skates to india

india:i twisted my ankle

chris:how much does it hurt

india:i cant walk chrissy

chris picks up india and skates to the entrance

chris:lets go get a brace sunrise

doctor:india you ankle is servealy damged you should  stay off of it for a while

india:bet chris

chris:sunrise you ready to go


chris's dorm

chris:you ok

india:no i just found one of your condom on the floor

chris:babe im sorry i thought i flushed it

chris flushes the condom

chris:its a mess

india:no duh

chris:i'll take you too your dorm

india's dorm

india:im going to the bathroom

chris:you can walk

india:i can limp

india limps to the bathroom

chris:india i'm gonna get some to eat want anything

india:uhhh some chipotle

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