Chapter 6

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Hey, guys and gals :) Here's the chapter you've been waiting for. Please comment and vote if you like it!


Luke and I both pull away for air and look in each other's eyes. When I apprehend what just happened, I stepped out of his embraced and blushed crimson.

"You know what? It doesn't even matter. The two losers can comfort each other when they lose tonight." Caitlyn Brooks says as she walks up and stands next to Jackson.

I feel rage consume me. Nobody calls me a loser. Ever. Unless they have a death wish, that is. It's part of my competitive nature. "What did you call me?" I grit.

"I called you, and your boy toy, a loser." Caitlyn looks at her french manicured nails, smirking. 

"That's it!" I make a move to pounce on her, but Jess grabs me from behind and holds me back.

"The bitch isn't worth it. Be the bigger person." Jessica says. 

I nod and Jess lets me go, thinking I've calmed down. Big mistake on Jessica's part. I punch Caitlyn in the jaw, causing her to fall to the ground.  Jackson helps her up and gives me a death glare.

Jess looks at me, startled at my actions. "What the hell! I told you to be the bigger person!" 

I roll my eyes. "I never said I was a good person." With that said, I turn and walk back to my team.  "Enough staring at Caitlyn and her bruised face! The game starts in five, you better be ready to cheer." I warn them. They snap out of their dismayed states, going back to their stretches. 

I sigh an agitated sigh and start stretching.  "Uh... Kylie?"

I look up, meeting Luke's green eyes. "What?" I question. 

"Are you calm yet?"

I take a deep breath and nod my head. "Yes, I am."

Luke smiles. "You were actually scary back there. Who would've thought a Princess could fight."

"Well, I didn't start it. In the words of Marie from the Aristocats 'Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them'. That bitch over there started it by calling me a loser. People know to never call me a loser. I'm too competitive to be called a loser." I huff.

Luke chuckles, shaking his head, and takes a seat next to me. "Only you would go on a pissed off rant and manage to quote a Disney movie." 

"It's a gift,"  I chirp. I pull my leg back so it's straight in the air, touching my ear. Luke gives me a horrified look. "What?"

"Doesn't that hurt? Like a lot?" Luke inquires.

"No, not at all," I say. "Don't you have a football game to play?" 

"Yeah, but I always have time for you, Princess." 

"Why do you call me that?"  My curiosity is getting the best of me.

Luke blushes, turning his gaze elsewhere. "I'll tell you when you're ready to hear it." 

Really? What kind of bullshit answer is that? 

"Luke just tell me why you-"

"Look," Luke cuts me off. "I have to go play. I'll see you later. I promise I'll tell you why eventually. Oh, and at least think about going to the after-party? It's at Andrew's." 

I nod my head and watch him get up and leave. Why couldn't he just tell me? What did he mean by 'when I'm ready to hear it'?  

"Hey, Kylie!" Jess yells. I look over and see the girls ready to cheer, and the boys are on the field ready to start the game. "You gonna cheer tonight or what?" 

"Yeah, yeah. calm your pits." I say.

"Pits?" Jess laughs at me.

"Yes, pits. Now, let's just get this game over with."


After winning the game, Jess and I went to my house. I was glad to hang out with her, but ever since we got here, she's been trying to get me to go to the party.

"But you have to go!" Jess complains.

"I don't have to do anything," I scowl at her. 

"But Luke will be there." She says suggestively. "Plus, he asked you to go. It's common courtesy."

"For the millionth time, there is nothing going on between Luke and I. You know I hate everything and anything that has to do with alcohol." I argue.

"You don't even have to drink any alcohol! Just go and dance, have fun, live a little." 

I let out a breath and look at her. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Ok! I'll go. But I pick out what I wear."


I go to my closet and pick out a blue dress that's knee-length. The dress is tight at the top, and loose at the bottom.  I grab a pair of black high heel boots that reach my knees, slipping them on. I grab my purse in case I'm in need of money.  

Once I'm finishing getting dressed, I start on my make-up. Using my nude pallet, I keep my eye shadow neutral. Deciding to be bolder, I add winged eyeliner and pair it with dark raspberry lipstick. I curl my hair in loose curls and walk out of the bathroom.

"Okay, I'm ready to go," I announce.

"You know, for someone who never goes to parties, you sure know how to dress for one." Jess compliments.

"Thanks. Now can we get this over and done with?"

"Yes, let's go," Jess says with a sigh.

We leave my house and get into Jess's car. I turn it on and, once we have our seat belts on, pull out of my driveway and head to Andrew's. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I mutter.

Jess rolls her eyes. "Loosen up, for once in your life."

I sigh. I bet that's exactly what the guy who killed my father was doing. 'loosening up'.

I didn't tell Jess my bitter insights. She would've felt extremely guilty. So I continued to drive, not replying to her comment, letting myself get lost in my thoughts.

"I didn't think you'd be so... introverted.  I thought you would at least talk." Jess shares.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just don't like parties. I'll try to stop being an introvert, okay?" I glance at her before focusing back on the road.

We reach Andrew's and I park my car in an empty spot. It's a miracle I found one this close to the house. We get out, hearing loud music as soon as we open our doors.

I feel bad for his neighbors.

We walk to the house, stopping at the door. "You can do this Kylie. It's just a party. You're the most popular girl in school, so you know everyone here." Jessica motivates me.

I nod and step in, immediately being hit with the stench of alcohol when I enter the house.

Fucking fantastic.

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