Chapter 7

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 Jess and I squeezed our way through the large crowd of dancing, intoxicated teenagers, making our way to the kitchen to find Andrew. 

Apparently, Jess has Andrew's number and she texted him, asking where he is. 

I'm still trying to figure out why they have each other's numbers.

We made it to the kitchen in one piece, and I'm relieved to find a small number of people. Unfortunately, one of them is the handsome, green-eyed boy that keeps confusing me. Honestly, I want to say I hate Luke, but maybe I don't anymore. Maybe I like him. Just a little. 

When Luke's eyes land on me, he beams and wanders over to me. "You came." He says.

"Really? I thought I was at home, in my pajamas, watching Power Puff Girls on Netflix." I say with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad you broke from your usual routine." He smirks.

"Hey! I don't actually do that!" I scowl at him.

Luke scoffs. "I hope not. Dexter's Laboratory was much cooler." 

I laugh. "Oh my God, I feel so old right now!" 

"Me too." Luke laughs along with me.

Jess clears her throat. "Yeah, Hi. I'm still here."

Luke and I stare at her. "I don't see why Andrew hasn't shut up about you in the last few days. His face lit up like a fucking Christmas tree when you texted him saying you were here. I would've thought you'd be over there with him by now."

Jessica turns crimson as she leaves us to talk to Andrew. "What's going on between them anyway?" I voice.

"I don't know. The only thing I picked up from all of Andrew's babbling is they went on a date. He mentioned that they had a good time, and in the end, he kissed her or something." Luke shrugs.

I slap his arm. "You say that like it's not a big deal!" 

Luke gives me an incredulous look. "It's not."

"Yes, it is! Our best friends are head over heels for each other!"

Luke rolls his eyes. "You're such a girl." 

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you." 

Behind us, there is an abrupt roar of cheering. Luke and I turn around to see two people in a shot contest.  At first glance, you'd see two teenage idiots that are taking an unhealthy amount of shots for a competition. At second glance, you'd see that one is being forced to do it by Jackson.

I push my way through the people supporting this stupidity, heading for the two people doing shots. "This one has had enough," I say sternly. Everyone stops cheering and someone shuts the music off.

"I don't think he has," Jackson says.

I glance at the poor kid. The boy seems like a freshman and looks like he's either going to puke or pass out. Maybe both.

"The poor kid is gonna pass out or puke. He's had enough." I snap. 

"Fine, he can step out and stop taking shots. But you have to take his place." Jackson says.

"I don't have to do shit, Jackson. This isn't your party, hell you weren't even invited to this party." I say vehemently.

Jackson steps forward and puts his hands on my shoulders in a vice grip. "I'd watch how you speak to me."

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