1. That's her thing

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       So in middle school, I had started this youtube channel,  and decided to call it Anon, because it's the nickname my best friend gave me, considering my lame middle name... 

      And since I wasn't alllowed to show my face online I simply didn't, I made singing covers and videos with just my silhouette in it, I humored myself because I was bit Anonymous in my videos and my channel was Anon... ha-ha get it? 

      Well anyway, I started putting up my own music and people really liked it, so I got it recorded and put it online for people to buy, and my videos have sort of just gone viral from then on, and this all happened the Summer before High School within a month actually... 

My parents knew about my channel and so did my three siblings but no one else, not even my best friend, all she did was give me my name. 

      And this is the beginning of my story as I went to high school for the first time and finally confronted with irritating boys and friend problems...

(>^w^)> first day of freshman year <(^w^<)

      "Wow." I said in pure horror as I walked into school with my best idiot, Dakota. She laughed at me, "Ginger. Calm your tits. It's only the lines to get your schedule. It isn't always this packed." I barely payed attention to what she said as I stood, mouth gaped open, staring at the crowds of people... And they were all so tall! I was tall in middle school at five feet and five inches, almost everyone here was a least ten feet tall... well that  might be and exaggeration, but that's how it felt! 

      "...Rae said she's holding onto ours in the back Gym." I looked back at Dakota apologetically realizing I'd actually totally ignored her ever word... "Sorry... what?" 

      She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, "C'mon Loser."

      She pulled my hand and swerved me through the crowds and past a wall of folded up, indoor bleachers. Behind them it was an empty basketball court. Only about twenty people stood back there, and they all seemed to be sorting schedules.  

      Off to the far left there was a sorting table where Rae, Dakota's big, Senior, sister stood, holding three schedules. We speed walked over to Rae and and thanked her for saving us from the line. 

      "No problem, but I hate to break it to you, You guys have zero classes together."

      "NOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO!" We both cried and tore our schedules from Rae hands. 

       "This can't be!" Dakota cried. "You guys are Drama Queens." Rae snorted before walking off. 

      "What do you have first period?" I asked her, "Geometry."

      "Dangit." I bit my lip, "I have that last, and I have Theatre first."

      "I have Theatre last!" She shouted. 

      We frowned and shrugged after comparing our classes realizing that if we had the same Biology teacher we would have the same class, same for our foreign language, but I had Spanish 2 Honors, she had French 1.

      I read over my schedule a few times and realized my PE had been replaced wih World History... I only cheered a little bit at that.

      Me and Dakota decded to go hang out where my first class was because it had shade, and even for this early in the morning, it was hot.

      And then I saw him.

      Amazing jawline, light freckles all over his face, hazel eyes, black hair, not really muscular but...  nicely figured. I wondered if he was a sophmore, or a freshman like us, but damn that boy was good looking. He had a charming smile and it was... aimed at me?

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