Chapter One: Hi My Name Is....

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My name is Casey Jamal Walker and to the world at large, I'm nobody. Well, to say it better, the world doesn't think I'm going to be anybody and they want it to stay that way. Personally I can't blame them, what could you expect from a seventeen your old black kid from LA who had not a penny to his name, nor a silver spoon in his mouth to feed himself with? Damn, now that I think about it, I didn't even have the most important thing of all, A father. In my perspective, mine died as soon as I came into this world. Even then, all I had was my mother but she too was ripped away from me for a time. It all started on December 24th, 1998 in a small gas station near long beach when the clerk, a young pregnant girl, still in high school, felt a sharp pain and little did Olivia know, I wanted out. Yea, her name was Olivia Walker, my mother and she had no one to turn to. The manager had left her there to lock the place up when her water broke and her car's battery died. She had to walk three blocks just to get to a hospital and two minutes before midnight she gave birth to an eleven pound ,fatherless little black baby named Aiden who was now just a statistic to the state, similar to thousands of other babies across the country. That next day my grandad came to my mom's apartment demanding she go back to school, but at a price. Me, the little blemish on his family's name he can just dump off at an orphanage and forget I ever happened in order to keep his perfect baby girl on the "right" track. Before the week was out the caretaker down at the orphanage got another one to add to the collection and for the first six years of my life I was raised among other neglected misfits like me and bearing the burden of not knowing who my parents were. Until one day, my mom came back but not without another son with a different father, my four year old little brother, Daniel. They brought me home to another apartment to live with my brother's dad. He was a nice dude but had a terrible habit of getting fired so we had to move often. In a year we moved to our last apartment and in that same year my little sister, Sarah, was born and on Christmas Eve of that very same year Carl, their dad, was gunned down after getting robbed walking home from work. Ever since then I had to man up so to speak. I did everything around the house and watched out for my siblings. Sometimes I had to steal from the pharmacy down the block just to get Sarah's medicine since she was sick all the time and Ma was too busy at work to go get it. When I was thirteen Danny was getting bullied by this fat ass kid at school so naturally I found the kid in the act and dealt him the same punishment, telling him that if he ever bullied anyone again his other fingers would get broken. Ever since then Danny and I were inseparable, always getting into fights because of the crowd he hung with and I smacked him across the head from time to time about the company he kept, one of them being a known gang affiliate. He never did take my advice and to this day he gets brought back to school by the truancy  officers for skipping. Last year we both got suspended for a fight in the cafeteria when Danny spilled his water on some dude and push eventually came to shove. Long story short, we got two black eyes and they got a visit to the hospital. So, Ma decided to move us all back to our old schools system and today is our first day back . I woke up and jumped down from my bunk bed, telling my brother to get up. " Casey, get your brother and your sister up the bus gone leave in an hour. Hurry up and get ready." Comes ma's voice from the kitchen. Sarah, who was already dressed, walked by the room sad looking and skinny as always. For some reason, when Sarah was born she had a lung defect due to complications in her birth. Because of this she's had serious asthma and a whole list of other stuff that'll take to long to mention. Today I could tell she was in an even worse mood than what she usually was in and had huge bags under her eyes." Hey Sarah what's up?" I said in an attempt to make conversation. She mumbled something I couldn't make out and kept on walking . I shook my head and turned to hear the loud snoring of my brother who was still asleep. I walked over to him and tapped him on the face three times, each time telling him to get up." Aye bruh, chill out." He grumbled as he turned over." Look dude we gone get left by the bus if you ain't t gone get up." I said as I tried to drag him out of the bed." Get of me man." Danny jerked his arm away from me and covered his head in the covers." Casey, Daniel, get your asses up from that bed now." Barked my mother from the living room. I got a pillow off of my bed and smacked Danny with it and he leaped up and jumped on me." Get yo ass off me bruh." I yelled louder than I realized. Not even a minute after I said it, my mother erupted into the room to see us tussling on the floor." What the hell is going on here?" Danny and I scrambled up away from each other when the pain of our mother's hits set in. It hurt Danny more since all he had on we're his briefs. " Now get yo black asses gone before I'm late for work." She said before she and Sarah hurried outside. Danny and I looked at each other and laughed. A few minutes later we walked outside together to the bus stop." Where's yo bookbag?" I asked. Danny put his hands in his pockets and shrugged." The fuck I need them for?" He joked." You know damn well yo dumb ass need it if you gone even think of making the football team this year." I scolded." My skills is all I need square. Besides I don't need football to make it either. I'm the hottest rapper on the block remember?" He continued ignorantly." Nigga please." I laughed." If you can rap, my black ass can get into Stanford for free." Danny smacked his lips." Look dude, you had a 99 average in all your classes last year plus you thought you played football too but-" " But your bitch ass friends got us both suspended." I said." Come on bruh, why you keep on putting that on me?" Danny asked." Because Jarvis was the one who told you to spill that water on that dude." I responded." You followed them like some little kid bruh, I know you're smarter than that if your my little brother." Danny held his head down and nodded his head." But then again you can't be ugly if your my little brother." I said, punching him softly in the arm. He smiled and we kept walking until we got to the bus and once onboard we drove off. As I looked out into the window, I gazed at all the familiar sights and places I used to go to before I left for that whole year in San Diego. The park my friends used to meet at, that old building we spray painted, and the drive in I had my first kiss. Her name was Serena Philips and she was beautiful. She was tall and had an athletic body with brown skin, pink lips, and light hazel eyes. She was everything I wanted in a girl and everything was perfect until I broke her little brother's jaw. Ever since then, she wouldn't return my texts or my calls and wouldn't even talk to me. In reality it didn't bother me at all, I just added her to the long list of absent people in my life and was done with it. When we got off the bus and walked into the school I stopped Danny before he went to his hall." What's up fool?" He asked." Promise me something Danny." I said." Promise me you won't get into trouble, and before you say it, just think of Sarah before you do anything. You've always been the one to make her better in a way I never could. You know she gets worse every time she sees you in trouble. Now, are you gonna be a bitch about it or not?" I held out my hand and Danny hesitated for a moment before doing our handshake." Now get yo dumbass to class." I joked. Later, I walked down my hall past all of the faceless faces Just going through the motions until a familiar one of those faces bumped into me." Oh shit. Aye bruh look it's C.J. from 9th grade." Came the loud voice on the face. It was Jaquan Williams, my one of my old friends and the rest of the crew I rolled with. Qua, Khalil, Ty, Muheim, D.J, Jaydon, and Jalen. I shook all their hands and we began to talk about old times until our time was cut short by the bell." Damn we gotta get to class, aight Casey." Jaquan said goodbye." Tell Olivia I want my food by six o'clock." Jalen crudely joked." Fuck you too fat ass." I said laughing. I quickly sprinted down the hallway past more of the crowds of faceless teenagers with no identity and I remarked I had a lot in common with them, as I was a faceless face myself.  A black kid in this society basically had no identity, not one to be proud of at least. I ran and ran into the labyrinth until I ran into a girl turning around the corner, making her books fall. " Oh snap, my Bad." I said as I knelt down to pick them up." It no big deal, it fine really." She said. As soon as I looked up into her face my heart dropped and she she did the same I could see the same surprise erupt in her eyes. It was her. After almost two years I had finally heard Serena's voice. She frantically picked up her things and stood up." Hey slow down." I said trying to start some type of conversation. Suddenly, behind her came a tall, muscular, and imposing figure that I remembered all too well. His name was Paul Summers, and he and I had been at it for years." Is there a problem here Baby?" He questioned, glaring at me. " No." She plainly answered." Let's get to class." For the rest of the way I sadly walked down the hall, not even wanting to be at school anymore. As I opened my classroom door, I felt the sharp pain of twenty-five sets of knives on my flesh but all it took were The Thirty-two white bullets to finish me off." Ah, you must be Mr.Walker." They said, ripping me apart." Please, before you take a seat tell us something about yourself."

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