From Awkward To Not So Bad

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I wake up to my phone buzzing. Without opening my eyes, I swipe my finger right across the screen. Just as I'm about to fall asleep again, I remember why I set my alarm in the first place. Justin. 

I bolt up in my bed and start panicking all over again. A mistake, I think repeatedly in my head as I throw my legs over the edge of the bed and quickly find something else to wear. It shouldn't be a problem if he thinks I went to my room instead of us falling asleep on the couch together. I can just keep it to myself. 

Maybe I'm just thinking way too much in my head. I open my door and the first thing I see is Justin with his arms raised above his head. I stop in my tracks. Yes, he definitely took his shirt off sometime last night. 

"Oh hey," he says, pulling the shirt over his head and situating it as he lowers his arms. 

I just nod in response as I stand there, felling more than slightly awkward. 

"I'm sorry," he says. "I tend to do that when I'm half asleep. Been doing it since I was little." 

That revelation calms my nerves a little. But I still think to myself how I shouldn't have let him stay. I don't say that though. I just nod. "That's okay. Look," I form an excuse in my mind quickly. "I know I said last night I didn't have anything planned today, but that sort of changed and I don't want to rush you or anything..."

Justin's head nodded, getting what I was trying to beat around the bush about. 

"I'll call Scooter and be out of here as soon as he can pick me up." 

"Thanks," I say. I don't move as Justin calls his manager. Once he hangs up and confirms he will be leaving in twenty minutes or so, I speak again. "Do you want something to eat while you wait? I have either left over spaghetti or cereal, Lucky Charms I think." 

"I'll take some cereal," he says and follows me into the kitchen. This time he helps by getting the Lucky Charms and milk. I grab the bowls and spoons and we sit at the table. "Thank you for letting me stay. It was a much needed break from everything. This is kind of a cool place to just relax." 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit smug inside my head just then. Those are the words I'd been hoping to hear from him. Now maybe we can start getting to the real problems next time. After a heartbeat, I congratulate myself on being back to thinking like a therapist again. 

"You're welcome," I say as I pour milk over my cereal. "I'll admit, I don't normally let people stay over so early in their sessions. It usually takes about a half year or more before I do."

"Why did you let me then?" He asks. 

I don't know why. Because we had a nice dinner. Because it was already late. Because it isn't such a bad thing to be hanging out with you. "I don't know. I mean I could see you were upset when you first got here and like you said, I figured you could use the time to just relax." 

"Either way, thanks." We sit in silence for a few minutes as we both eat. I watch him; he looks like he has something else to say. I raise an eyebrow at him, relaying my thoughts. He sets his spoon down into the bowl. "I'm just curious how you started all of this. I mean, I know plenty of people would be willing to sit and listen to me rant about all my problems, but you seem different." 

"I'm all for listening to you rant," I say jokingly. "That's technically what I'm getting paid to do, but we can talk about your problems until you're blue in the face. What I find most people need is just someone to vent to and then turn around and stuff their face with popcorn while watching a movie, or dance for hours, or just relax and not have to worry about anything for however long."

"You really like this job, don't you?" I nod to this question, my mouth is full again with another bite of mostly marshmallows. "Do you have a lot of clients?" 

I look from my bowl to him. "Business has been good, but that's all I can say about my clients." 

"I understand," he says. 

"You ask an awful lot of questions to someone who is supposed to be asking all of them," I note. I don't mean anything by it, just an observation. I think he understands that because he just shrugs. 

"I guess I prefer to know the people I talk to. You can't be too careful nowadays." 

I understand that. With all the calls and offers I get from magazines to be used as a 'source close to the celebrity' it would be easy to spill the secrets, but I don't. I knew that if I was in their shoes, I would never be able to trust someone like me again and it would just go downhill from there. Like I said many times, I pride myself on honesty and secrecy. 

None of my clients know about the offers and calls though. They understand the frequent phone number changes and don't question it. To me, it's just become part of the job. 

"Scooter is here. Thank you again for everything. Can we set up another time to meet?" 

"Yeah, just you or your manager call me and we can set it up. It probably won't be until next week sometime but I should be able to get you in for a night session if that would work." 

I walk to the door and he offers me a quick smile before walking out. I lock the door back behind him. It is only eight in the morning so everyone in the apartment building is either still asleep or already left for work. 

Maybe it wasn't so awkward letting him stay after all. 


I had to get through that kind of awkward, next morning thing with Lib and Justin. But I promise the story is going to be picking up and getting better now! :) I hope to have another chapter sometime over the weekend! 

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