From Relaxation To Reality

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Selena could only stay for another night before she had to get back to work. We left on great terms though and I spent the rest of my vacation doing as little as possible and FaceTiming with Justin. I didn't let him know about mine and Selena's conversation- that was going to stay between us- but I reassured him that everything was fine between us. I still didn't want to go "public" quite yet, but it was now a possibility at least. 

I spent the night before I was leaving cleaning up. I didn't make too big of a mess throughout the week, but I washed the blankets and dishes. I packed all of my things up too, so that I could sleep for as long as possible in the morning. I didn't have to be gone until one in the afternoon, but I knew I'd leave before then. It was a three hours drive back to the apartment. 

I make another pitcher of Pina Colada, this time not near as strong, and head for the beach. The salt air smells strong but it is relaxing. I love it and I don't want to leave. Not having any appointments and being shut off from the news is definitely a good way to relieve all the stress. 

"This is nice," I whisper to the ocean. The water is black and only the breaking waves can be seen. The sound is the only thing I can hear. I will certainly have to remember this place for future vacations. 


The apartment was burning up. I turn the air condition first thing and just stand in front of it. I don't remember if I ever told you, but I don't have the most glamorous apartment. It doesn't even have central air so I had to purchase a window unit to put in each room. Thankfully, it doesn't take long to cool everything off. 

My phone starts ringing as I'm putting everything away. I felt bad so I went to the store and resupplied their laundry detergent. I look at my phone and smile. It's Justin. 

"Hello," I say, drawing out the word. My voice is instantly lighter. 

"Hey babe," Justin says. "I was just wondering if you were home yet." 

"Just got here," I say, sitting down on the bed, forgetting the clothes for a moment. "I was just putting some stuff away. Why?"

"I miss you," he says. "I was hoping to see you today." 

I think about it for a moment. Then I think about Selena saying it was okay. "Don't you have a show tonight?"

"I do, but I can come over after-"

"No, I'll come to the show tonight. Could you add me to the list?" 

"Really?" Justin sounds very surprised and for good reason. This is the first time we will have seen each other outside of the apartment walls. 

"Yeah," I say smiling. "I've been wanting to see what the craze is all about. Just please don't do anything to draw attention to me." 

"No problem," he promises. "I will put you on the list now. Can't wait to see you." 


Thankfully, I get to drive to the back of the arena. The traffic is ridiculous but I guess it is to be expected. I lock the car and look around, realizing that I have no clue what Justin's bus looks like. I stand there in the heat awkwardly. 

After a couple minutes, I get a text from Justin. 

It's the third bus from your left. :)

I laugh at the text and start toward the bus he said. The door opens as I get close and I see Justin waiting for me. I climb the stairs with him and realize that we aren't alone. Who I am assuming is the rest of the band is on the bus too. And his vocal coach, who I recognize from a picture. 

"Hi everyone," I say calmly although I'm nervous. I was hoping it would be just us. 

"Leb," Justin says, placing his hand on my lower back and guiding me farther onto the bus. "We were just getting to go in for sound check. Did you want to come?" He introduces me quickly to everyone before I answer. 

"Sure," I say. 

The next couple hours are long as I sit beside the stage, but I enjoy it. We hang out in the dressing room until the show starts. For a while it's just me and Justin. We talk. We kiss. There isn't much else that we do though. I explain that Selena and I talked and that everything was fine. 

"So why can't we go public? I want to tell everyone about us," he says. 

"I just don't want to," I say honestly. "I like us being us. We've already been in the news a lot lately and nothing good. I don't think I want to know how bad it's going to be if we actually confirm our relationship." 

Justin pulls away and sighs. He bows his head and rests his elbows on his knees. I can tell he's mad at what I said. I just wanted to be honest with him though. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"What about what I want?" Justin asks, not looking at me. He is just staring straight down at the floor. His hands have come together, his fingers bouncing against each other. "Why can't I let the world know that I love you? I don't want to keep us a secret." 

"I just know what would happen if we do go public and I don't think I'm ready for that right now. We just got to a good place with the last problem." 

"Well let me know what you are ready," Justin says. 

He still doesn't look at me as he stands up and makes his way to the door. He opens it and waits. I realize that he's silently telling me to get out. I can feel the tears shoving against the back of my eyes. I don't want to cry in front of him. But I don't want to leave. Why was it such a big deal? I just wanted to enjoy us. 

I stand up and grab my bag. I walk slowly, no words spoken between us. I look at him once more before I walk past him but he is looking at his hand on the handle. The tears fall as soon as I hear the door close. 

[Make sure to check out the new story I posted today (not fanfic related)-- The Camera Girl and The Cover Boy!]

Also.... This is gonna be the LAST CHAPTER of this story... There will be an epilogue, but then that's it. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL THOUGH! And I'm going to make the cover for it tonight and post the description tomorrow!

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