First day in town

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I finally arrived in the great Shizume City, looking around I see the large buildings and small shops along the busy streets. Everyone seems to know where they're going. Unlike me who has no where to go. I began to walk down the street it seems to get less busier as I walk towards a red wood building, the large sign on top read out "HOMRA". I gazed at it for a few minutes longer, I felt an attraction towards the red color against the other bland buildings surrounding it. I decided to go in since I'd probably get a chance to possibly visit with someone who lived in this area, as I walked in a pleasant voice came from a man behind the bar.

"Welcome  ma'am, please sit down were you'd like." I walk over to a bar stool and sit down.

"Wow this place is wonderful..", I thought to myself.

"Something tells me you're new around here", he says. I bring my attention to his direction, letting my eyes wonder at the array of items behind the bar.

"Oh yes, I just got off the bus and decided to take a look around", I said politely.

"I see", he said, "well you're welcome here anytime, so what would you like?" I brought my eyes towards him, "Just a glass of water, please." Surprised of what I said he said, "Well whatever you'd like."

   As he gets the glass of water I ask, "Not to be rude but how come nobody else comes here", now looking at him, "it's such a beautiful place." He puts down the full glass in front of my hands and says, "Well, most people don't necessarily trust the people who usually hang out in here." He looks at me and is about to say something when he gets interrupted by the sound of the door opening fastly and a loud voice echoing into the building, "Izumo-", he says before he noticed me. I turned myself to look back and saw a young man with a long-sleeved, white V-neck shirt, a red sweater tied around his waist, dark green shorts, blue-and-gold sneakers, with black beanie on, and a pair of headphones around his neck. His face turning a bit red he asked, "Who's the new face?" Izumo looked at him and said, "Why don't you just ask her yourself?" He stood there and looked embarrassed, "Wh-uh..- gah never mind!" Storming out of the building Izumo chuckled and started wiping down the bar. I didn't understand why the young man stormed out but I guess he had his reasons.

"If you don't mind telling me, I'm looking for a hotel for the night, would you happen to know where one is?" I continued to look at him until his head lifted up to look at me.

"I believe there's a nice place up the road closer in the city", I thanked him and began to rise from my seat.

"I hope to see you tomorrow, will you be working?" I ask hoping it doesn't come off creepy. He chuckles and gives me a slight smirk, "I'm here all the time", he begins to mutter closing his sentence, "I don't think I don't think I could get those kids to do anything here." I gained a slight bit of confusion but decided to let it roll off me.

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow", I begin, "maybe I can see some of these kids you speak of."

Izumo gave me a gentle wave as I exited," Alright sounds like a plan, I don't think I've gotten your name get." I smile, "Oh, how rude of me, my name is (Y/N)." I waved goodbye back and slipped out the door.

   It was already late afternoon and there seemed to be just as many people out as earlier today. I wonder if I'll ever run into that guy again, I begin to think.

I walked around for what felt like forever, and before I knew it the lights started illuminating against the black asphalt as night started to take over the sky. I sighed as I turned another street corner realizing there was very few people out now. Walking down the street darkened street I start hearing yelling, I didn't think much of it until another scream echoed from behind the alley I just passed.

Unconsciously, I started running towards the yelling. Down the alley way I could see three men and the young man from earlier. They were about to start fighting.

As their fight got more intense I ran to hid behind a box and my mind started racing, what the heck did I just get myself into?! I just analyzed them fight, feeling that was all I could do. Suddenly a red aura started growing around him as he got more intense in the fight. There was no way I was actually seeing this, I begin to think. I got closer to them, unluckily for me, I was caught by one of the men. He threw a knife in my direction ripping the right side of my jeans, the young man immediately saw me, if I wasn't in complete shock I would've seen his anger roar and his flames grow larger. That seemed to scare off two of the men as the last one threw another knife and hit the young man in his right arm. I searched around me to find the knife that was thrown at me, I finally saw it and threw it at the man left. I took a breath and threw hit, luckily for me, I hit him in the shoulder causing him to stumble back and run in the same direction of his buddies.

   I quickly ran to the young man that tried to see how badly his injury was. As I got closer the young man realized who I was and tried to get up. Not looking directly at me with the sourest expression, "Why the hell did you come closer?Do you have a death wish?" I looked at him very confused.

"You could of gotten more then just a scratch!" He said a little louder, I backed up a little and sat on my knees looking at the ground. "Shit, look I didn't mean to-", he stops, shakes his head and looks at the ground.

"I'm fine, just let me look at your wound and lecture me later", I told him. I scooched closer to him, this time he didn't stop me, I looked at his stab mark left and torn off a part of my jeans off to tie around his arm. "How come you didn't run away?" This time he looked directly at me and didn't seem to care about the redness infecting his cheeks. I wasn't sure what I should say but I just simply said, "I was worried, I recognized your voice and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He seemed confused by what I said but it didn't matter because he needed to get medical attention quickly. "Where's the nearest hospital? We need a doctor to look at your wound", I said trying to get him to look at me again.

"I'll be fine, just go run along and don't be searching for more hero work." I looked at him and shook my head, "No, I insist that you let me walk you somewhere you'll stay out of any other fights." Smiling at him I stood up and I reached out my hand and offered to help him up.

After none stop back and forth bickering I settled to bring him to HOMRA pub. As I opened the door several people were inside now, most were guys but one young girl caught my eye. I heard multiple people whispering. I heard Izumo say, "Well, welcome back (y/n), Yata", he glanced at both the young man, Yata, and myself.  Isn't he concerned about this guys arm?

"Umm..thanks for bringing me back...", Yata said as he quickly left my side and went in the back room. I scanned the bar one more time noticing the variety of glances I was receiving. I nervously sat on the same barstool as earlier and asked Izumo, "I have no idea where I'm going to stay tonight, since my apartment lease doesn't start until tomorrow. I didn't even think about that until just now." Izumo looked at me and said, "After taking so much care of Yata you could stay here for the night." I smiled and said gratefully said thank you. As the hours went by I found myself talking to some of the other guys there but I mostly talked to the young girl, who I learned was Anna.

Eventually the man, Yata, came back into the room and he sat next to me. After a while he looked at me and asked, "Hey..umm...can I talk to you." I smile and nodded. Then leaning towards me a little bit he said, "in private..." He got up and headed outside, I slowly got up and followed him out.

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