Chapter 17

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After what felt like eternity, I gulped down the last spoonful and pushed down the nausea rising inside me. I knew I had a weak stomach but I didn't know that it was this weak. I can't believe that it couldn't even handle a freaking bowl of nasty porridge!

I didn't realize that I had dazed off until I heard Wilson's voice calling out to me. 

"Christian! Yoohoo?" She waved her hands back and forth in front of my face.

"Huh?" My usual response would've been "what" but I just wasn't feeling up to it. My stomach was hurting and I felt so nauseous. 

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked worriedly. "Your face looks pale." 

"I'm fi-," I began to say when I felt something warm rise up my throat. I had the suspicion for what was about to happen so I quickly clamped my mouth shut, using this as a tactic to hopefully stop it. But it didn't work. My mouth burst open and the contents of my stomach came hurling out. And bull's eye, right onto Wilson who just happened to be sitting in front of me.

Her eyes widened and she gasped in shock. 

"I am so sorry!!" This was the first time I apologized so sincerely to someone before. Wow this woman sure was making me experience many "firsts". Earlier it was my first sincere thank you and now my first sincere apology.

"Not it's okay. I should be the one apologizing. It was my porridge that made this happen," she said. Her eyes never left her ruined shirt.

"You should go and clean yourself up. Go take a nice, warm shower," I ordered.

25 minutes later...

"I forgot to get clean clothes. Can you get me something to change into?" she asked through the closed bathroom door.

"I'll just get you one of my t-shirts, I don't want to look through your clothes." I walked away and didn't bother waiting for a response. I went straight to my room and went into my walk-in closet. I didn't give much thought on which one to give to her and picked a random one. 

"I got you one of my shirts." I held out the t-shirt and waited for her to get it.

I heard the click of the lock and the door opened a slit. A hand stuck out and took the shirt before quickly disappearing. "Thanks," she muttered before shutting the door.

A couple minutes later, the door opened once again and she came out dressed in my gray colored tee. The fact she was wearing nothing else but that shirt made me extremely flustered and uneasy. The shirt only reached above her knees and revealed her smooth, long legs. My eyes couldn't stay off of them.

"Uhm.. are you done staring?" 

"Who was staring?" I faked ignorance, hoping she would let this go.


"W-what.. no I didn't," I found myself stuttering. 

"I saw you. Don't try denying it." When I didn't answer, she continued to say," I mean, it's typical for perverted guys like you to be gawking at innocent girls." 

I opened my mouth to argue that I was no pervert but she wasn't finished speaking.

"Don't let me catch you doing that again or you'll regret it. I know a few taekwondo moves, you know,"  she warned. 

Before I could respond, the sound of the doorbell ringed throughout the house. I used this as a chance to get out of the situation and rushed out to see who it was. I was taken aback to hear her follow after me. 

I reached the front door and pulled it open without thinking, something I was about to regret. 

It was my parents. The smiles on their faces instantly faded when they saw who was behind me-Wilson dressed in what was obviously my shirt.

They skipped the part where they were suppose to greet their only son and went straight to the situation at hand. 

"Son, who is this young lady?" my father asked through gritted teeth. He was all about reputation and the gears in his brain were probably frantically worrying about reporters finding out about this. 

"She's my secretary, Cali Wilson," I introduced and pulled her forward. "Say hello to my parents."

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Wright. I'm Cali Wilson, Christian's personal secretary," she stuck out her hand for a handshake but my parents ignored the gesture and pushed past her and into my apartment.

"Did you change your secretary again?" my father asked as he walked over to the sofa.

"Yeah, it's not like this was the first time it had happened."

"When did you guys start sleeping with each other??" my mother burst out furiously. 

I heard Wilson gasp behind me. "Mrs. Wright, you've mistaken we didn't-" Wilson tried to explain but my mother didn't want to hear another word. 

"Oh sure you didn't. I'm not blind. She's wearing your clothes honey! And since when did you start getting along with your secretaries?! She called you Christian and you didn't get upset at all!" 

"Susan, calm down. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, right son?" my father assured my mother as he emphasised that I better have an excuse for this. I could tell that he was also angry, but just not as much as my mother. 

"I do. We're not sleeping with each other Mother. She's just staying here for 4 years, until her contract expires," I explained. 

"Does she not have a place of her own to stay?" my mother asked as she observed Cali who was hiding behind me. I could tell that my mother was already beginning to look down on her. 

"She doesn't." The moment I said those two words, my mother's eyes hardened. 

"Oh so you're penniless. You're sticking by my son for his money, aren't you??" she accused.


"I don't care about no contract. I want you out of here this instant!" my mother pointed at the door.

Wilson looked at me, as if waiting for me to do something. What was she waiting for? 

When I didn't react the way she had expected me to, she nodded and turned toward her room. I stood there and watched. 

Not long after, she came back out dragging a chipped old suitcase behind her. "I'll be leaving then," she announced before going out the front door. She didn't give me a final glance at all. Was she really gone? 

"Good riddance," my mother murmured. 

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" 

My mother had finally settled down and was now sitting beside my father on the sofa. 

"We just wanted to see how you were doing after taking over the company," my father said.

"Well I'm doing just fine. You can leave whenever you feel like it. I've got something to do." I rushed out the front door and prayed that I would be able to catch up to her. Don't let her leave. Please

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