Chapter 32

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He almost had me there. The desperation in his voice almost pulled me in. If it wasn't for Aaron's sudden appearance, I would've forgave him already and I wasn't planning on forgiving him this easily.

"Your 5 minutes are up," Aaron announced, pointing at the watch clasped on his wrist. "You better leave while I'm being nice. If you don't... I won't hold myself back since we're not in the office, which means that you are not my boss," he warned, cracking his knuckles threateningly. Well that was what I think he was going for. Trying to look scary, but he looked way too friendly to beat someone up. I held back a laugh and nodded in agreement.

Christian opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped midway, changing his mind. "I'll come back again tomorrow Cali. Don't expect me to give up. I won't ever give up on us, never." He forced the bouquet of roses into my hand and left.

I watched him from the door as he walked to his car.

"What are you planning to do with him?" Aaron asked beside me, also watching him leave. "He's gonna come here everyday until you forgive him."

"I know... I know.." I said, my eyes still on Christian who was getting in his car now.

"What did he do to you anyway?"

"Long story short, he didn't believe me so I broke up with him," I sighed, looking away.

"Let's go inside now, I cooked us lunch." Aaron left me standing there and walked back inside. "You better hurry before I eat your portion!" he added playfully.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled as loudly as I could. I took a final glance at the headlights of his car driving away in the distance and hurried into the house.


Just like Aaron said, Christian came every single day.

He rang the doorbell at first, but then when he heard no response, he started to knock. Loudly. He would go on like that for almost an hour before finally giving up and leaving. Then he would try again the next day.

Knock knock knock!! "Open the door Cali!!" he screamed through the locked door. "I know you're in there! Don't hide from me!!" Knock knock knock!!!!!!!!

The hinges of the door rattled as he banged against it. "Cali!!!!!"

I increased the volume of the TV and tried to pay attention to what was going on in the screen. I repeatedly told myself to be more stubborn so that I could see how sincere he was about this.

It wasn't even an hour yet when it all stopped. His yelling and his loud banging. Did he leave already? I slowly got up and walked to the door. I peeked through the peephole and saw nothing on the other side. Christian was gone.

I pulled open the door and ran out onto the lawn, checking to see if he was really gone.

His car was still here.... where did he go??

That's when I heard it. The hushed whispers of a crowd across the street. They were surrounding someone or something. A car was nearby with the driver standing by it, speaking on his phone while staring at the crowd worriedly.

Did something happen??

I started to walk toward them, first using small steps then gradually I broke into a run when I noticed a bouquet of white roses laying on the pavement a few inches away.

White roses?? I thought back to the fact that Christian had brought white roses the first time he came to ask for forgiveness. Could it possibly.... could it be him? My heart pounded in my chest nervously as I ran.

I tried to push through the crowd but they wouldn't move out of the way. I had to check and see if it was him. I had to. I pushed harder but it was no use. Why wouldn't they just move it???


I turned around and was face to face with Christian. I was relieved to see that he was okay, that he wasn't hurt. I was so scared that I would lose him just like that and never get to see him again.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked.

"You freaking scared me!!!" I slapped him on the arm. "I thought something happened to you."

Christian looked confused at first before he understood. "Nothing happened and nothing will happen to me," he assured.

He pulled me away from the crowd and stopped in front of Aaron's house.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I saw a flower shop across the street so I thought it was would be a good idea to buy you some roses again. I was coming back when a dog suddenly came out. It surprised me so I dropped the flowers," he revealed.

"Oh." So that was what happened.

"Go back inside. I'll leave now." He smiled and started to leave.

As I stood there and watched him leave, I thought back to the emotions I felt when I thought he got hurt. The fear of losing him and never seeing him again. This fight of ours was not worth losing him.

I ran to catch up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. It felt good to be in his warm arms again. "I forgive you."

He pulled away and looked at me. "I couldn't hear you. What did you say?"

"I said, I forgive you," I repeated.

His eyes sparkled and he smiled at me. "I missed you Cali. I missed you so so much."

"I missed you too."

Christian slowly leaned forward and I closed my eyes. He pressed his lips against mine. It was a brief kiss, but it never felt better.

"Let's pack up your stuff then we can go home." We walked toward Aaron's front door, hand in hand, smiling at each other.

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