Survivors World

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Curled up into a ball, I keep my eyes tightly closed. I notice I don't feel the freezing, sharp, metal ruler on my hand, or the icy cold hand on my shoulder. I finally peek from under my eyelids, that's when I feel furry. I peer down at my hands.
PAWS! I HAVE PAWS?! I approach a small stream, that's when my stomach jumps to my throat.
I'M A GERMAN SHEPHERD! Wait a minute...- I gape around, the way the forest details are. Then it hits me- I'm in the Survivors universe!
I continue to stare at myself, the classic black, brown, grey, tan colors of the dog breed I am. My erect ears stand on my head, looking at my chocolate brown eyes. The short, shiny, tan hair prickles on my back. I lift my upper lip to reveal my razor sharp teeth. I stare at myself in awe.
Why am I a dog? I shake my furry body to calm myself, rustling bushes stop me. My head flies to the direction of the bushes. I raise my haunches, my ears press back on my head, I let out a warning growl. I'm suddenly face to face to a stocky, handsome, golden-furred dog. I lower my haunches and hide my teeth.
He looks familiar...
"LUCKY!" I happily bark while wagging my fluffy, brown tail. The main character of Survivors.  Also, I remember he's one of my favorite characters. He sprints to me and greets me in a dog fashion, giving me tiny licks on my muzzle and nose, pressing his neck to mine (dog hug). I explain my story to him and he understands.
"Come. Let us go back to the pack," Lucky exclaims with his tail and head up high, like an alpha. Even though he's second command, called Beta. I copy him, to appear more confident to the pack.
When we get there, I know everyone from the book universe. Lucky struts into the pack territory, and briefly says, "Look who's here!" Everyone turns to him.
"BROOK!" they yell and ALL sprint to me, next thing I know, many noses touch my face and licks to my muzzle. I make out everyone, Sweet, a slender, cream and tan colored greyhound and who's the Alpha and Lucky's mate, Storm, a strong, young, female Doberman Pinscher and a hunter, and Moon, a white border collie, with black ears and a black side of her face, and she's the lead patrol dog. Lucky decides to make me a patrol dog (a dog who patrols the territory) for now. I notice Martha, a great, black, Newfoundland dog, still alive.
But she died during the Storm of Dogs, the huge battle of packs.
"Oh well, everyone is alive! I'm happy about that," I say out loud. I clamp my jaws shut, the dogs just cock their heads confused. Lucky approaches me:
"What are you talking abo-"
"Nothing," I interrupt quickly. Lucky raises his brow and presses his ears back against his head, ignoring what happened. He gives me a suspicious look, and trots away. A few minutes later, Alpha announces:
"Prey share!" That's when we eat together. All dogs gather around the two huge deer the hunters caught. Then we dig in. I watch everyone eat, I glance at Lucky, he points at the prey pile. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I peer at the deer, I bend over and take a nibble. I lift my muzzle from the deer surprised.
Wow...deer even tastes good raw!
My dog instincts take over and I tear a large piece of venison. I rip and chomp into the meat, swallowing the warm, freshly-killed deer.
After a half an hour, everyone finished, then started to play together. I stare at Storm, who sits on her haunches alone. I stalk over to her, she doesn't notice me. When I'm three feet away from her, I spring on to her back and nibble her ear. She yelps with excitement and we tumble on the ground, wrestling. I grab her right leg and flip her, I crawl on top of her and give her a playful lick on her nose. I jump off, we flop on the ground panting after a while of playing. I give her an affectionate lick on the muzzle and head to the patrol dog den. I find a place next to Moon and curl up, back to back. I feel her head rest upon my back, feeling her warm breath blowing my fur. Her smooth breathing lullabies me to sleep.

After weeks with the pack, I decide I don't want to be a patrol dog anymore.
I'll become a hunter. But that means I have to fight one of the hunters in order to move up a rank. I gaze at the hunters, Snap, a beagle terrier mix, returns a gaze at me and smiles, wagging her tail.
Maybe not... I stare at Bella, a long haired golden mutt, who's Lucky's sister, watches me.
I'll challenge her. I stalk over to her and briefly announce:
"Bella the hunter, I challenge you for your rank!" Her eyes widen in shock, then turn into a playful scowl.
"Challenge accepted," she yaps. We trot over to Alpha and Beta (Lucky) and tell them the news. They nod and Alpha announces:
"There's going to be fight! Between Brook, the patrol dog, and Bella, the hunter." She says all the rules and barks:
"Fight!" Bella and I circle each other snarling, ears back, and fangs showing. Bella tries to pounce on me but I dodge. We continue to snarl while I hear cheers:
"Come on Brook!" "Go Bella!" Bella springs and lands on my back and sinks her canines into the side of my neck. I feel my blood stream down my chest. I buck like a bronco to get her off, I notice one of her paws in my reach, and I bite down hard. She yelps in pain and falls off. Before she can get up, I pounce on her, she hits the ground with a thump, I sink my fangs in her scruff and pull. She's dazed in shock and pain, she struggles in my grasp. Her hot blood floods in my mouth.
Thank goodness I'm a German Shepherd, they have a really strong bite. I clamp down hard, with a mouthful of Bella's scruff. I murmur:
"Yield! Bella, yield!"
"Alright, alright," she gasps, "I yield!" I release my fangs out of Bella's scruff, Bella gasps for air. I stare at Bella wide eyed, her scruff on her neck ripped to shreds. I run my tongue across my chops to fling Bella's blood of me. She struggles to get up, I bolt to her side and help her up. She gives me a thanking glance and licks my nose. She limps on my shoulder on the way to her bed. I make sure she's comfortable and cover her wound with clean leaves. I dash back out to the pack, where Alpha announces:
"Brook has beaten Bella she is now a hunter." I couldn't help being a little guilty. The way I beat up Bella like that.
I check on Bella again, who sleeps in her leaf bed, her wound already healing. I'm about to trot over to the patrol dog den when Snap's bark breaks the silence:
"Brook! You're a hunter now, not a patrol dog! Come over to the hunter den."
"Oh...right," I say surprised. I stumble into the den with exhaustion, I curl up next to Snap, then sleep washes over me.

The next morning, I stretched out of the hunter's den. My gaze turns to the sky, a cool, light blue. With the golden sun shining on my coat, I warm up in the sun. Eventually, all the hunters awoke from the den, greeting me with licks and nuzzles. For the first hunt, we stalked into the forest with our noses to the ground. Snap took the lead, silent as a mouse. I stalked behind her, followed by Mickey, a black and white Border Collie, Bruno, a fluffy German Shepherd mix, and Storm. While I stalked, an intoxicating smell danced in my nostrils.
"Snap, a smell a deer." I whispered to Snap.
"Good nose, Brook." she yelped.
We began to be really quiet, taking baby steps and breathing quietly. Then I spotted the deer, a buck, ten pointer, colored a milky brown and white, he stood tall and proud. He doesn't notice us, he's to busy nibbling on grass. We stalk downwind so he couldn't smell us. Soon we stood only ten feet away. Snap pounced first, onto his back, tearing into his flesh. Everyone slashed at his legs and back, then I saw his neck exposed. I dashed to his neck and sank my fangs into it. His warm blood streaming down my jaw, he never moved again. I pulled my fangs out of his throat and sat on my haunches panting. Everyone slouched near the deer, panting and staring at it hungrily.  Then Snap managed to gasp:
"Great job everyone!"
We all grabbed the deer in different places, I grabbed the neck. We finally reached our territory. Snap and I carried the deer to the prey den, along with a few rabbits we caught on the way back to the camp.
"Not bad for my first hunt." I say sarcastically. Snap gives me a sly smile. A few minutes later, Alpha announced:
"Prey share!" Mickey and Bruno carried it out. I notice tiny Sunshine, the Omega, she wears drooping, long, snow white fur. She watched everybody eat. Alpha and Beta, then the hunters, patrol, and then her. After we finished the deer, everyone exhaustingly crawled to their dens. I circled on the bed then curled up with Snap. Eventually, I fell asleep. Everything seemed so peaceful, until one day.

From Girl to Dog (Survivors Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now