Bloody Battle

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That night after everyone ate their fill, everyone went to bed early. I stayed awake for a while, laying down with my head outside the den. Then I saw Lucky, stalking near the bushes, he glanced back towards his mate, and crawled into the brush.
I'm sure he'll be fine. I stumble into the den and curl up next to Snap. My eyelids shut, I fall asleep.

In the morning, I'm the first one awake, I quietly trot around checking on everybody. I check Alpha and Beta's den, but Beta is missing. Then I remember,
He was ambushed by Storm's brother! I sprint into the den yelling:
"Alpha wake up! Beta's missing!" She shakes her sleepiness away, her eyes piercing into mine,
"Beta's gone?!" she asks.
"Yes!" I howl, "But I know what happened! Fang ambushed him! Now the Fierce Dogs have him!" Alpha trembled with anger, her cream colored lip reveals savage fangs showing.
"We need a rescue group, you shall come with me." she ordered.
"I'll be honored Alpha," I exclaim. Alpha and I rush out of her den, outside, the pack stretches and talks. Alpha clears her throat,
"My pack! Beta has been kidnapped! We need a rescue group to rescue him! I need volunteers!" Bella barks:
"I shall rescue my litter-brother!" Before anyone has time to yip, Storm yelps:
"I will help Beta!"
"It's settled, we'll travel tonight." Alpha murmured.

That night, Alpha, Bella, Storm, and I set out to save Lucky from the Fierce Dogs. Alpha lead the way, followed by me then Bella and Storm. We traveled in steady pace until I could sense the presence of Fierce Dogs. Alpha found a small stream and we all rolled in it, to cover our scents. The Fierce Dogs didn't know we stood only fifteen feet away. We hid behind bushes. Soon we watched the Fierce Dogs march out their lair, the sun shining on their sleek bodies, the muscles bulging and flexing while prancing. After all the Fierce Dogs left, we made sure the coast was clear. We bolted out of the bushes and into the lair. The lair stunk of Fierce Dogs. Through the stench, I made out a tiny whiff of Lucky.
"Over here," I whispered. I sprinted towards the scent, with the other dogs on my tail. The scent got stronger the farther I galloped, I braked with my paws in front of what seemed like a bowl I peered down the bowl, there I gaped in horror. At the bottom of the dirt bowl, there laid dehydrated and starving Lucky.
"Lucky!" I barked quietly. His golden head slowly lifted to stare above his head. His eyes widened with surprise.
"We'll get ya outta here!" Bella howled. The bowl's walls seemed too steep to climb.
It's the only way to get him out of there.
"Lucky you have to climb," yelped Alpha. Lucky struggled to get up but he managed. Carefully, he started to climb the bowl walls. We started to bark encouragement to help him. He stumbled twice but caught himself, his legs shook while climbing. When he stood only two feet away, we grabbed his scruff and pulled. Eventually, he flopped on the ground panting.
"C'mon Lucky! We don't have much time!" I yipped nervously. We helped to his feet and we bolted towards the exit, while Lucky kept up. Finally, we exited out of the lair, still we bounded back to our territory. Alpha and I helped Lucky to his den. Mickey appeared in the entrance, cocking his head in concern.
"Mickey, go get Beta food!" Alpha ordered. Mickey spun around and darted into the forest.
"Omega, get Beta water!" Alpha barked at tiny Sunshine, who tripped on her long fur and loped away towards a stream.
"Don't worry Lucky, they'll be back soon." I reassured Lucky. He pointed his head to the ground, signaling me to come. I cautiously stepped towards Lucky, who lifts his head and gives me a grateful lick on my nose. I ran my tongue over his right ear in an affectionate way. Mickey appeared in the den with a large rabbit in his jaws, he set it down in front of Lucky.
"Brook," Lucky said weakly, "this may sound odd but.....could you........break the meat in pieces?"
"Of course!" I yanked off a bite-sized piece of rabbit and dropped it in front of his muzzle. Lucky daintily grabbed with his jaws, chewed it and swallowed it. While feeding him, I felt a cold nose touch my leg. I glanced behind me, standing there, little Sunshine, with a wooden bowl of water. I stepped out of way, Sunshine set the bowl in front of Lucky. He dabbed with tongue and drank the whole bowl. Then he rested his head on his paws, groaned and fell asleep. Sunshine backed away, grabbed the bowl and padded out of the den. While Lucky slept, I couldn't help but notice him shivering. I snuck over to him and curled up next to his back, Lucky shifted and laid his head on my flank. Alpha peeked her head in the den, and slowly strolled into the den. She settled down on his other side, and lapped his neck. We all yawned and rested peacefully that night.

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