Peace For Now

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   Four years later, everybody has recovered from the fight. Spring flowers bloom and green grass sprout out of the ground. Food isn't scarce anymore, rabbits and deer flood the forests. After the fight, Twitch and his pack agreed to join our pack. Soon Twitch and I warmed up to each other and eventually became mates. I fought Snap for her rank and now I'm the lead hunter. I haven't been able to hunt for a while, now that my brown, black and tan flanks are rounded with pups.  I know that I'm due anytime, but I'm not too nervous. Twitch has taken my hunting rank over, until my pups are born and don't fully depend on me anymore.
In our den, I lay on my side, waiting for Twitch to arrive. I situate myself and slowly stand on my paws, I stumble out of the den. I glance towards Lucky's den, both of them curl up to each other napping. Alpha and I both aren't sleek and slender anymore she's full of her and Lucky's pups. I scamper over to the stream and lap up some cool, refreshing water. The liquid slides down my throat and disrupts my thirst. After the drink, I slowly wander back to the den. Over the horizon, I watch Twitch trot towards the pack with two rabbits in his mouth. Even though he has only three legs, he's a great hunter. He lopes over to me with a concern look in his eye.
  "Are you okay?" he quickly asks.
  "I'm fine. How was the hunt?"
  "You tell me." Twitch steps to the side to reveal a large deer and six rabbits.
  "Wow." I give him an affectionate lick on his muzzle, he returns a lick and helps me out of the den. We scamper out to the prey pile. Alpha has the pregnant dogs go first instead of ranks. Alpha and I step up and eat our share, the tasty, red, juicy meat slithers down my throat. After everyone ate, Twitch and I crawled into our den and curled up. His head rested on my back, being careful not to rest on my pup belly.

  During the night, my stomach started to push outward. Then I felt something trying to push out towards by bottom.
  The pups...
"Twitch! It's time!" I breathe. He startles awake and comforts me. I pinch my eyes shut in nervousness I breathe smoothly then a bundle come out. I lift my head and glance over, there by my hind legs, lays a soaked newborn pup. I snip the umbilical cord with my teeth, and clean the pup off with laps of my tongue. I notice the coat of the pup shines a tan-red like Twitch. The red pup groans and whimpers, then Twitch guides the baby to my stomach where it latches on to nurse.
Three pups later, I gaze upon my beautiful litter of pups. One pup shows the colors of my coat, the first born shines a red coat, and the other two share the color of both Twitch and I. Exhausted, I lay my head down. Twitch settles down next to me and falls asleep. Ever since my mom was killed, I've dreamed of a family. And now I finally got what I wanted. Even though I'll probably never see Mary again, I'm still happy. And I know my mom and Mary would be proud of me. Even if I am a dog.

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