Girl Meets Sneak Attack Pt.1

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I wake up in my actual bed I look and see I'm in my room I sit up and sigh oh how it feels good to be at home. I get dressed at go to the kitchen I look on the fridge it says"Madi and Maya your lunch is in the fridge have fun at school-Mom xoxo" I look in the fridge and there's a tuna melt for Maya and a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. Maya and I go to Riley's apartment we buzz in"Maya and Madi" we got let up and walk up 10 flights of stairs we walk in and I say"Today is a good day" Topanaga,Cory and Riley look at me"I love you guys and school" I hear"Farkle" then I go and let him in a say"that's Maya and Riley's friend and I love there friends" then Riley and Maya say"Okay then" and we go to school. I don't know what it was but I felt good that day. Just as I was gonna walk in history Riley covers my eyes and I say"Riley I know it's you" she takes her hands off my eyes and I say"My turn" then Maya butts in and says"Its not a game" then confused I turn to her and say"What game is it then?" Riley says"protect the beautiful flower" and Maya finishes her"From the bulldozer" confused I look and see a girl flirting with Lucas. Just as I see him smile my heart sinks I turn back and sigh, I then slide down the wall Maya and Riley do the same Riley asks"Are you okay" I then say" Yeah it's not like we are offical all he did was call me cute" Riley looked confused and muttered"How come I didn't know?" Maya then yelled"Get with the flow!!!" I then laugh and get up with them."Sometimes I wish the world was only us" then look at each other than back at me and say"Then it is" we put our arms over our shoulders and walked in to history.

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