Chapter 1

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**1 year and 9 days before I died**

The beginning, or what I like to believe was the beginning, is when I first applied to work at the drugstore, two miles from my house.

Now for athletic, fit or even average people, two miles is not a lot, in fact it's barely anything. Although when you've spent your entire middle school and current high school years plotting of ways to get out of physical activity, it's a living hell.

My walk was usually accompanied by the glorious God sent gift of headphones and The Neighborhood's new album. Now these two were helpful but did not excuse the fact that by the time I got to my job where I stand all day, my legs felt like shit.

Once I finally got to the store I was bombarded by the older manager who hired me. "Hello Sky! Don't you look wonderful today!" she smiled as I imagined how awful I must've actually looked after that dreadful walk.

"So you'll be getting trained today by one of our finest employees Calum!" she smiled as she lead me into the break room. I sat at one of the pull out tables in the dark lit room that looked more like a prison cell then a break room.

"Now, there is another trainee but it seems he's running late so if you could just sit tight I have to run and take my youngest to his doctors appointment. Have a great first day Sky!" she beamed as she let the door slam behind her.

I sat in the quiet room when the ringing of my phone took me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I said wondering who would call since everyone I know, knows I start today. "Sky, Ivan said to dress nice and is taking me on a surprise date what do I wear" he asked frantically and I wish he could see me roll my eyes at his nonsense.

"I don't care Derek, does it really matter when we both know the night will end with your clothes off anyways?" I asked as I heard a loud scoff behind me. Cringing, I turned to face the infamous Calum who was sent to train me for the day.

"Derek I'm gonna need to call you back." I said hanging up on my friend's protest. "Hey I'm Calum" he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, I mean, uh we go to school together" I said regretting ever trying to work here.

"Oh sorry I should've known-" "No it's fine I mean I'm basically invisible because of all the selfish low life's I go to school with are too busy with their heads up their ass to notice anyone who doesn't have a filthy rich father" I smiled as his eyebrows furrowed together. "Right. So should we get started?" he asked picking up a cardboard box by the door.

"Yeah sounds good", I smiled picking up another box. "So it's basically pretty easy, you just stock stuff on the right shelf or if you're on cashier duty you just ring it up and give them the right amount of change and you won't have a problem." he said beginning to stock the shelves with the items in the box.

"Simple enough" I said helping him put everything in its place. "Cal!" I heard someone say down the aisle. "Luke your late!" Calum replied with equal excitement. "I know and I have a good reason for that" he said making his way towards us.

"How many times must I tell you to tuck your shirt in for this job?" Calum said somehow tucking Luke's shirt into his overly tight skinny jeans. "And how many times must I tell you to wait to put your hands down my pants till we get home?" Luke teased as Calum rolled his eyes.

"Oh right, Luke this is, uh, Sara?" Calum asked puzzled staring at me for a response. "Not even close" I smiled sarcastically and turning to Luke. "It's Sky", I reassured as I heard Calum mumble something inaudible.

"Hello Sky, where do I know you?" Luke asked leaning against the shelf of freshly stocked cans. "Hmm, I wonder where do you know me? Could it be the fact that I was in at least three of your classes for the past five years or that I was your biology parter for that past two? I really don't know where you'd know me from." I said in an admit-ably rude tone.

"Oh! It's nice to finally put a face to the paper's I've copied off of" he smirked and I could feel him challenging me. "I'm honored to assist an idiot like you in getting through high school" I retorted as Luke stayed silent but the smirk on his face said enough

"Well if you two are done bantering maybe you can get to work, since it is your first day." Calum said bluntly as I nodded and went back to stocking the shelves.

"Ok Luke go to the cashier and get Cindy to teach you about it all ok?" Calum ordered as Luke sighed and went to the front of the store. "Now, I'm gonna go because I have somewhere to be but you just stay here and once your done with the shelves go work the cashier with Luke" he said and I mentally groaned but agreed.

"Ok do you think the two of y'all can handle it?" Cindy asked after explaining the tradition of every new employee must close the store. "I can handle it" I answered but only speaking for myself and not so much Luke. "Ok well I'll see y'all soon" she said exiting the through the automatic sliding doors.

"You really believed that?" Luke scoffed leaning against the counter. "What is there not to believe?" I asked curious to what he was going on about. "She totally bullshitted you, you know she just wanted to get off of work early" he explained and I found myself strangely believing him.

"Oh my god you're right" I mumbled, disappointed in myself for not seeing through her lame excuse. "Well she's gone now so let's just close so we can leave" he said hopping off of the counter and out the door.

We locked the doors as he made his way to his black mustang and I reached in my bag to put in my headphones for the long journey home. "Aren't you a junior? Shouldn't you have a car or something?" he asked as he drove next to me on the road.

"Aren't you a senior? Shouldn't you have a brain or something?" I smiled as a deep chuckle escaped his plump lips. "Touché Sara" he said driving away from me. "It's Sky you idiot!" I tried to scream over the sound of his loud engine racing down the street in the quiet night.

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