A Certain Someone...

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Hello! Hope you guys enjoy this Chapter Newly edited ver 2019

Judar POV

I was bored, it was no fun staying in the Kou empire ( this happened when I was 6 ) I was bored of being told what to do. So I went somewhere were the black ruhk lead me.

As I flew I saw lots of black ruhk accumulating in one place, and man that was a view. Someone had a hunger for revenge, a darkness in their heart. This was interesting I'll go check it out.

When I got there I saw where the black ruhk was coming from, and I was quite shocked. A little girl was being loved by the black ruhk, this was my first time seeing a person have so much besides myself. As I studied the view I knew right away what caused her to almost fall. Her parents were murdered, blood-splattered everywhere, lifeless, right in front of her. Man it reminded me of myself.

I smiled in satisfaction to see what would happen to this young girl. She was knocked out and carried towards the direction of the..... no way,..... the Kou empire!!! Man, this was going to make things a little bit easier on me now that hag and her followers won't lecture me. For now, I'll go back.

6 years later ( still Judar POV)

This girl is getting on my nerves all she does is do what they tell her, come on do something, I've seen you practice at night and you could easily beat their ass.

I waited 3 days when I heard that they were moving the slaves, and I observed as the dude with the green hair flirted with that girl. I mean she is quite a beauty, but him the person who killed her parents? come on you gotta have balls to ask that. Of course, being the fierce person she is, she snapped at him, and blew him off. Of course, he never laid a hand on her unscathed body, and I understood why.

As they moved the slaves they were getting near the Kou empires border and I had to say goodbye to all the fun that girl provided. As I was about to leave I saw children collapse and I knew what they were gonna do, I had a tingling feeling in my flesh that made me smile for what was about to come. That girl was going to do it again, summon the black ruhk.

The moment I was waiting for arrived and I saw as the girl stabbed the men one after another until she got to her target and BAM!! I saw her smirk with pleasure in her face that I ended up smiling too. I sent her some of my black ruhk so her white ruhk would slowly turn black it would just take time since she has lots of white ruhk. At that moment I didn't care what the old hag told me, to pick the emperors sons and daughters as my king's candidate you gotta be joking!! This girl had more potential, and I was gonna make her my king's candidate.


6 years later

I don't know the whereabouts of the girl since they called me back to the Kou Empire to guide, Hakuei to a dungeon, I do the usual I just let her do her thing while I waited outside. By now that girl must be 18 years old.

When Hakuei came out the dungeon victorious I just gave her my usual smirk not actually caring whether she died there or not, what caught my attention was that splendid sight again of black ruhk gathering in one place. I knew who it was, so I ditched Hakuei and flew there, I knew she didn't give a dam of what I did, she could take care of herself.

Minutes later...

I arrived at the scene oh it was beautiful, those close to her were killed and she was so beautiful surrounded by black ruhk and her face full of anger. I couldn't help, myself anymore I had to talk to her. I was about to go down when I saw a blue hair pip squeak surrounded with white ruhk it was as if the ruhk loved him. He chatted with the girl and slowly her black ruhk turned white.

"Oh no you don't" I whispered as I blew one of my special butterflies toward her and it stuck on the nape of her neck, she had my mark.

As she joined the group of people on their journey, I smiled upon her because she gleamed with ruhk it was crazy and she wasn't even a magi. I knew I made the right choice to make her my king's candidate. I knew she would get a lot stronger. I Flew away knowing that we would meet again face to face and on that day I would take her away.

Judar X Oc~ It's Ok To Be Evil (Really going to Update this time)2019Where stories live. Discover now