I awoke, in a strange building, sitting in a gray colored chair, and a silver table in front of me. There were other people surrounding me, staring at me. I groaned, and sat up straight. I looked to the other people around me. Nothing seemed too peculiar about them, given the situation. Panic showed on everybody's face, a few even looked on the verge of tears, and a f--
--The intercom blasted on, "Hello, children! I see you've all awakened! Well, I suppose I should explain what we're all doing here, yes?" The voice said, laughing. "You all been," The voice continued, "Hand selected to play something I would like to call... 'The Kingdom Game.' " The voice explained.
"Under the table in front of you, there is an envelope. Inside that envelope, is a color and role. You are too meet up with the others corresponding with that color. After you've all opened your envelope, I shall go on to explain the roles. Now, go on, look at it!" The voice exclaimed, cheerfully. I reluctantly obeyed, and opened my envelope.
[] ROLE: KING []
I am the Golden King, I thought. Then, the voice continued.
"Well, I guess I should explain the roles, then, hm? I'll start off with the King's role." It shouted.
"The King was born a true leader, and fighter. The subjects rely on the King to lead the Kingdom in to prosperity and wealth. Basically, the King is the Leader of that Kingdom." It explained.
"Next, the Queen. The Queen is the wife of the King, and helps the Kingdom grow in political, military, and rural farming skills. The Queen is also the Leader of that Kingdom."
"The Rook. The Rook is a skilled tactician, and can plan out an attack very carefully. However, the are slow, and not very agile. The Rook is a Defender of the Kingdom."
"The Knight. The Knight is the strongest--physically--member of a Kingdom. The are adept in identifying, and killing, a Spy. The Knight is also a Defender of a Kingdom."
"The Pawn. The Pawn can adapt quickly, and should a member of a Kingdom fall, they become that member. This excludes King's and Queen's. The Pawn is a Supporter of the Kingdom."
"The Bishop. The Bishop is the local church leader, and is practiced in the skill of Medicine and Health. They are able to revive a fallen member of a Kingdom. This is another Supporter of your Kingdom."
"The Witch. The Witch is the black magic user of the Royals, and is able to look into the future. The Witch can predict a death. The Witch is the Trump Card of the Kingdom."
"Now then, let us begin the tour!" The voice cried.
The Kingdom Game
Mistério / SuspenseThe world has been struck with chaos ever since the Sickening. Since the Sickening, there has been the Now, a mass-kidnapper is on the rise, forcing high-school kids in to a game of real-life game of Chess. However, he added a twist. Instead of the...