ch. 6

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The week went by fast for my first week of college. It was just great having Nick's constant smartass comments during Literature so much better. It was finally Friday and I definitely needed this party as a huge stress reliever.

Jake will be picking me up at nine thirty, apparently these parties run very very late. I don't really know what's going on with Jake and I. We have been around each other class very often. I feel like he's always flirting with me but, I could just be overthinking. I really want to look good for tonight because who doesn't like showing off a little skin? Plus, it's a great way to "step out of my box"

I decided to put on whatever Bri left on my bed. I put on a white loose tank top, very ripped jeans rolled up, light pink heels, with a little light pink shoulder bag. I swear having your best friend as a stylist is the best thing. I look in the mirror and I don't even look like myself and I'm actually liking it. I decided to straighten my hair and put on makeup. Right when I was done finishing my winged eyeliner I get a text from Jake saying that he is going up the elevator right now.

I hurry and try to clean up around the house since Bri is never here to help me. I hear a doorbell ring and hurry to grab my bag. I open the door to see Jake and his shocked face which leaves me worried.

"Are you okay?" I ask. I took him a minute to reply but he finally did "Yeah, just wow you look amazing. Stunning actually." His response leaves me with blushed cheeks. "Thank you Jake, you look pretty amazing as well. We should really get going though." I chuckle.

"You're such a cute and yes let's go." I laugh and I lock the door. We head inside his truck and we head to the frat house. "So I was thinking maybe this week I can take you out.. How does that sound?" Jake says to spark conversation. "Jake are you asking me out on a date?" I say sarcastically. "You could say that. I mean a frat party isn't a ideal spot for a date. So I was thinking maybe mini golf on Wednesday at seven?" He asks. "Of course that would be great." I blush as we make our way to the party.

When we arrived it seemed like it was more packed then the one I went to before. Jake comes around and opens the door for me. I smile and hop out and lock hands with Jake and go inside the overcrowded house.

The music was really loud but what party doesn't have loud music. With our hands still in contact, Jake and I went past the house and into the living room where all kinds of drinks were on display. "I'm gonna go make a drink." I tell Jake. "Okay, I'm gonna be sitting by the couch area." Jake says as he gives me a kiss on the cheeks and walks over to the sofa's.

I walk over to the kitchen, grab a cup, and go to the refrigerator and get some water. "Well, isn't it miss goody two shoes." I hear a very familiar voice. "Hi, Nick" I say and then turn around facing him. "Not gonna take a shot?" He insisted. "Not gonna be such a pain in the ass?" I bite back. "Ouch, looks like goody two shoes is going to the wild side" Nick says then he yells, "Everyone watch out Ali is going wild!" I put down my cup and run over to him and put my hand over his mouth.

"Nick, shut up please why are you trying to embarrass me" I say. He laughs and I put my hand down. "It's fun" he smirks. I grab my cup again and walk over to the couch where Jake was. Nick, by no surprise was following me behind. I see Jake sitting on the couch and I go over and sit by him. "Just in time to play Suck and Blow." Jake says.

"Did you just say Suck and Blow?" I laugh.
"Yes, how have you not heard of it?" This girl with green hair and very short red dress says as she takes a sip of her drink and sits on Nicks lap.

"There's no need to explain she won't do it." Nick says as he takes a sip and looks at me.
"So what is this game?" I ask the green haired girl and ignore Nicks comment.

"Okay so basically someone has a card and then you have to pass the card with your mouth to the next person. How you do that is you have to suck it to make the card stick. If you drop the card before you pass it to the next person then you have to kiss that person. Are you in?" She explained.

Although I wasn't too sure of the idea of the game I thought why the hell not.

"Yeah, I'll do it." I smile. I look over at Nick and I can tell that he is annoyed, but oh well. "Great!" She smiles "What's your name?"

"Ali" I smile back. "Well, hi Ali I'm Jaz" She gives out her hand and I shake it. Then she gives out a card from a stack. "Okay let's start." Jaz puts the card on to her mouth and passes it to a girl next to her. Everyone passes it very good and as it gets closer to me I get very nervous.

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