Chapter 7

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(I'm going to add to this chapter soon, but I need help!!!! ;-; I keep getting a readers block with this story!!!)

Uri pov-

He wants me to be his boyfriend? As in his? Like, holding hands and kissing boyfriends? Omg, he wants ME to be his boyfriend...well he did say he was f-falling for me. OMG! Maybe this is a dream!! It had to be!!!

I pinched my arm really hard and a hissed as I felt the pain, blood now covered my sharpish finger nails. Yeah...a little to hard. Well I'm not dreaming.

He seemed to panic over my sudden attack on myself with my pinch. He was examining the cut I had created. "You idiot! Don't hurt yourself!" He flicked me in the head.

I burst out laughing as he pouted at me."yes" I say


"Yes I'll be your boyfriend." I blushed and looked down, hiding my face. I felt his strong fingers under my chin, bringing my head up to meet his eyes. He slowly leaned forward and I found myself being impatient, waiting for his lips to connect with mine, so I leaned forward and captured them slightly chapped pink lips of his.

After we broke apart for air, our breathing heavy from the heated kiss, he whispered a few words to me that made my heart pound hard in my chest. "A date?"

My cheeks felt hot as I looked into his beautiful eyes. My tongue was in bits and I couldn't seem to make out the words I wanted to say. Which was basically just yes.

"Yes" I squeaked out as it jut passed my now dry lips.

"Yes?" He asked for reassurance as he gazed back into my own eyes.

"Yes, yes yes!!!" I squealed. My voice seeming to come back to life.

He chuckled at my eagerness but it reassured him, I could tell. "Then a date it is, Friday night?" I nodded happily "I'll pick you up at 7." He pecked my cheek and then my lips before standing. "I'll see you tommorow"

"Bye!" I say shyly and he waves as he leaves my room.

Omg OMG OMG!!!! I got a boyfriend AND a date. ARRRRRGGG!!!!!


I stared at the pile of clothes on my bed. I didn't know what to wear.. The whole closet of clothes was out yet I can't decide!

Leather fabric caught my eye. The memory's of when I was 13 resurfacing. I was hit on way to much then. I lifted the fabric up so I could look at it better.

"You should wear it, I'll do your hair for you even. How it use to be." I turn to my mum. "And you can wear the black ripped skinny jeans that you use to love so much." I thought about it for a second. Will Tristan like this side of me? Well the old side of me...I don't know, but I kinda miss it, ya know?

I gave a slight nod to my mummy and she smiled "come, I'll do your hair" I followed her into the bathroom and sat on the stool she keeps in there. I watched her pick up the scissors and a comb. "Okay close your eyes baby" I closed my eyes, I trusted her. She was a hairdresser when I was little.


My eyes were still closed as I felt the cold of the gel being put into my cut hair. A feeling I have long since forgotten. I love it.

"Open your eyes baby boy" I opened my eyes to find myself in the mirror. My hair was cut sorter on the sides but was still quite long in the middle at the front, yet still shorter then before, mum had spiked it up which it was only just short enough to do, it looked great, almost like I was thirteen again. Mum took my glasses off making everything blur. "M-mum" I tried to feel around for her but only felt a small box "here's your contacts baby, put them in." With a. Pout I open the box and feel my contacts, with I sigh I put them in. Blinking a few times trying to get use to the feel, I look in the mirror living the look I once had when I was younger. My red hair was very eye catching.

I stood up and hugged my mum, running back to my bedroom I slip on the leather top and black ripped skinny jeans over my *cough cough* black laced underwear, the jeans had rips all over the legs, a few at the back of the legs and even at the bottom of my ass, they were incredibly sexy. Ugh! His going to think I'm ugly! I have to change before-

"Honey! He's here!" I held my breath as I stared at my door, the thud of footsteps coming towards the room. The door slowly creaked open and my mum stood there, a huge smile on her face. "You look so cute! Just like when you were younger!" I let out my breath in a sigh of relief. "Now put your shoes on" she clapped her hands and pointed to my cupboard. I nodded slowly.

"I'm scared mum.." I say as I went towards my closet.

"Baby don't be scared if he loves you, he should love the old you" I nodded and opened my closet, pulling out my plane black converses. I slip them on before looking up at my mum. "Ready?" I shake my head no but follow her out the door, my face was heating up in embarrassment and nervousness. I tried to calm myself by listening to my heart beat, but at the pace it was going there was no way that would calm me.

"He was so beautiful when he was younger. With his short black hair all spiked up and-"

"Here he is" mum cut Ma off from telling Tristan everything.

My eyes landed on Tristan as his eyes meet mine. I watched him scan my body before meeting my eyes, lust and love filled his irises. I felt my face heat up even more as I took in what he wore.

He wore dark grey skin tight jeans the fabric was that kinda stretchy fabric so they were probably really comfortable. I couldn't see what he wore underneath the thick leather jacket of his, but from what I saw he was sexy as fuck. His hair was slightly spiked at the back with gel and he had his fringe half pinned out of his face.

The tightening in my pants was uncomfortable but I ignored it.

"You look great" he comments with a small smile.

" too"

"Well off you go lover birds! Back by ten, and don't crash!" Tristan gave a nod and so did I, I watched as he picked up two helmets by the door. Two motorbike helmets. Meaning motorbike. Meaning I'll be riding it. Meaning that Tristan is the best boyfriend ever cause I love motorbikes. I followed him out and he gave me a helmet as we neared a black Yamaha R6 and let me just say. YES!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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